Kurdt Kobain :: rock heaven

I feel The current mood of prittypunkprincess@hotmail.com at www.imood.com
Saturday, August, 25, 2001

Well, I just want to say that Destiny's Child is the dumbest band ever made. Once in school I wrote a big long page about why they suck so bad, and their "preformance" on SNL makes me want to find it and put it on this page. Man, they're headbanging and "moshing" around like brian dead rock stars, where has music gone?? Example: DC lyric: I thought I couldn't breathe without you but I'm inhalein' (I'm sure thats not exact) as opposed to that, a lyric that brain cells produced Nirvana: My heart is broke, but I have some glue, help me inhale, and mend it with you. See? Same idea, but Kurt had brain cells, something that DC doesn't appear to have.

Wednesday, August 15, 2001

Hehe Commie bastards need friends too. That was funny! Anyway, not much is new, cheerleading practice is back on, sorta fun, sorta pisses me off. I am un-thrilled about school starting again, its scary being a senior. I don't know whats up w/ Matt lately, he's staying in Albuquerque and that doesn't really help me. Hmmmm and I haven't spoken to Sharon in a long time, which worries me alot. Other than that, everything's peachy, but it really isn't, everything sucks.

Sunday, July 15, 2001

Whats up everyone? Im back from San Francisco, ALL my real life friends had better call me to hear all about it! And hear all about Matt, the guy that rocks the world, see everyones intrested now huh? For the rest of us, I updated my poem page, me page, and Kurt page!

Thursday, June 28, 2001

Hey everyone! Theres 9 days until I leave to San Francisco for a mission trip. Yay! I'm super excited! Last week I was a councelor at a Christian day camp, that was cool too, I am super sunburnt and I've got arm muscles now from carrying my lil' monkey Cole around, hehe. Man, I'm REALLY SUNBURNT And what else? Oh yeah, HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY TO MY FRIEND SINCE KINDERGARDEN LEAH!!!! (well in 12 days)

I need a man to be a lover, and a friend, and a weapon of mass distruction if I need it to be so


Right Now

Wearing: Fish pants and no shirt, I'm too burnt

Eating: Pickles

Drinking: Kiwi Strawberry soda

Listening: Shut Up on the new Blink CD

Watching: SNL

Talking To: Skye, now Matt, but only b/c of Skye

Thinking: Destiny's Child sucks, Derrick is really sweet to me

Wishing: That school will somehow NOT start

Dumb Thing: I just painted my right foot purple

+++My Sucky Life+++

<< ? i hugged my bassist today # >>
.:daddy's little cheerleader:.

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