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Eggs Place of Pleasure

Hello! How are you today? If you are reading this you are probably not quite sure how you got here. I like to keep it that way. I'm not one much for attention.

Don't leave just yet. It may be worth it for you to finish reading. You'll never know when you may find your self on another page without realizing how you got there. _ And trust me, most of them are alot better than this one. Consider this a conduit for new places and new ways of thinking. I hope you have enjoyed your time spent in my little world.

If you would like, feel free to add this page to your web page. If you do, Please E-mail me at "". And just make sure you put me in a place where few will find me. Thanks!

P.S. If you have been lucky enough to have found my page and know my secret, don't tell any one. Don't tell your parents, don't tell Angel, and don't even tell your stupid friends. Let them find it on their own!

P.P.S. Look for a friend between two B's.