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Lyrics.......Parodies......Articals.....Pictures.....Concert Review.....Tom's Bio....Mark's Bio....Travis's Bio....Tom Quotes....Mark quotes.....Travis Quotes.....Blink Quotes.....Links
It's time for the happy people cheer, you happy people!!Gimme a B! B! Gimme a L! L! Gimme an I! I! Gimme a N! N! Gimme a K! K! Gimme an 1! 1! Gimme an 8! 8! Gimme a 2! 2! What does that spell happy people?!? BLINK 1~8~2!! Yay!!.....Ok if you have not exited out of here you are A) taking medication B)Held at gun point or C)All of the above! Now it's time to have some fun with you!!::rubs hands crazily::Muwhahaha!!! Hahaahamuwhahabawhaha!! No wait! I'm sorry don't leave!! Donnnn'tt..!!! Well before you leave remember this:Take care of your arse! It's the only one you got so keep it clean!
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Travis's Bio
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