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Cool Bands

American Pearl

Very awesome band! They currently have one self-titled album out, which was released in 2000 on Wind-Up Records. They toured with Creed as the opening band on the Human Clay Tour and were also the opening act for Woodstock '99. They have a very classic rock 'n' roll sound to them, very different then most new bands nowadays. They're very refreshing and great to listen to, espeically if you play guitar. They guitar and bass players are great. You can check them out and listen to some audio clips from their album at their website: American Pearl
and I have a site you can check outhere

Leona Naess

Leona Naess has two albums out, her first album name Comatised came out in March 2000 and her most recent I Tried to Rock You but You Only Roll which came out October 9, 2001. Her sound could be campared to Fiona Apple. She was born in England and grew up in London but, now lives in New York. She's very cool, check her out at her web site: Leona Naess


A very cool new band whose first album from 1998 was called They Sure Don't Make Basketball Shorts Like They Used To. Now their out with a new album, which is self-titled, and have a great first single "Crawling in the Dark." Their band has four members Dan (guitarist), Doug (lead singer), Chris (drummer), and Markku (bassist). They sound similar to Incubus and have a cool flow to thier music. Check them out: here

Tommy Lee

A very rockin' guy! He used to be in one of those big hair bands, Motley Crue. Then he came out with the rap/metal band called Methods of Mayhem, some of you may have liked them but, I didn't care for them much. Now, he has a solo album out called Never a Dull Moment, and it sure lives up to its title, it has fast headbangin' songs and it has deep, insightfull songs as well. It's awesome, his singing is amazing and his guitar playing will blow you away. Go pick that album up, man! Check him out here


Very cool, mellow band from England. They have two albums,Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head. They had a hit debut single called Yellow, they have very, very awesome music videos espeically Yellow and In My Place, I love those videos, they aren't your typical music video, I love them. Check them out here

The Vines

Awesome raw band. They're from sydney, Australia. They have an album called Highly Evolved. You've probably heard thier song Get Free but, you have to admit that they're unlike all the other new rock bands (not that I don't like some of the other new rock bands out there), they're really refreshing. They sound cool, they look cool, they're awesome, check them out here