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10-15-01 It's been awhile since I've updated the site because we've basically been working on the album. It will be available probably November 12th at our show at Bernie's. It has 12 new songs. Also, we haven't had a place to practice for the last several months, but we now have a permanent space.

5-25-01 Check out the shows page for two new shows we're playing. They're both good shows so everyone should go. We're going to be recording soon at Digital Demos. We're doing a full-length will all new songs. It is tentatively titled, "Don't Get Too Attached". If anyone has any better ideas, tell us.
4-20-01 The show at High Fives on March 31st was great. The show at Bernie's was even better. The show in Kent was ok. We have some important news about the band. Bobby is no longer with us. It was pretty much mutual and we wish him the best of luck with his future endeavors. There will be pics up from the Bernie's show soon.
3-3-01 Ok, we're chillin for awhile. We're practicing a little, but we're all really busy with school, work, and all kinds of other stuff. This summer we'll probably record some and play some shows. Yippee! Peace out.
2-12-01 It's been awhile since I've updated this site. The reason for that is nothing has happened! We are pretty much done writing for our next cd. It will be a full-length and have 15 or so songs.

Some of you probably know this, but the Smith Farm Party House is no longer having shows. This sucks because the party house was my favorite place to play pretty much. Someone broke in and stole some equipment, so thanks to that person for ruining it for everyone else! We're planning some shows right now. Check back for updates.

12-30-00 I got an HTML book today, so the site should look better soon. We have pictures from the last show, so those will be up soon.
12-25-00 I got a digital camera for Christmas, so the pics section should be getting a lot bigger in the near future. Come check out our shows, we need some people there! For some reason my hair is now orange. We also just wrote two more new songs and we might play one or both on Friday. They're called "Combustion" and "Neil Peart".
12-19-00 The show last night was interesting. We got added to late to really tell anyone about it, so no one there knew us. We played to a bunch of guys with mohawks and a bunch of hot girls. The girls seemed to like us, but I don't think we went over too well with the mohawk types. Oh well, it was fun. That was our last show without Bobby and he will now be able to make every show since he is done with the workshop. Everyone should come out on Thursday, because it's going to be an awesome show.
12-17-00 Not a whole lot of real news. We have a few shows coming up and you can view them here. We now have shirts and patches. The stickers have been ordered. All of that will be available at our shows for cheap! We got some new pa speakers! They're really loud! Anyway! As far as the band goes, we're working on new songs and looking forward to playing now that Bobby is back from school. The acoustic ep has been scrapped for now. PS for any Jet 66 fans- The guy that designed the cover of ...And the Story Goes recently died when he got hit by a car. His family has made a website dedicated to his him and his art. You should all check it out.
11-13-00 Bobby couldn't get back from school on time to make it to our show. We did ok, but it wasn't the same. Anyway, we have quite a bit of news today.
  • We will soon have shirts, stickers, and patches.
  • We're going to go on tour this summer, most likely with Kids Eat Free.
  • We're going to Workbook Studios this summer to do a full length.
    11-7-00 The show on Saturday was awesome. All the other bands were good and we sold out of our cds. I'm in the process of making more right now. We are playing a party on Friday the 11th. It should be cool. We've talked with some new places to play and we should have quite a few shows coming up soon. We are planning on recording and acoustic ep over Thanksgiving and Christmas. It won't be our regular songs acoustic, it will be new songs.
    10-28-00 The cd is now available for mail order on
    9-14-00 The contest is over, quit emailing me. The cd is all done and will be available online at in about 2 weeks. If you really want I can mail it you for $6 pp. Shows are always slow at the beginning of the school year, but we will have some very soon. We are also going to be on a benefit comp for hearing loss. Other bands on the comp include Millencolin, New Found Glory and Dogwood.
    9-11-00 The cd is mixed. The booklet is designed. The MP3s have been encoded. Now all we have to do is make the cds. Check out the sounds page to hear some songs. I uploaded two songs today. Also remember to rate the song.
    9-8-00 I've just confirmed with Chris and Lunkhead Studios to go mix and master the cd on Sunday. *Congratulations to Bill Lamkin, the first to find the hidden link and score himself a free copy of the cd. Only 2 free copies left!*
    9-7-00 I mixed the songs today and we put together the tape booklet. Tomorrow I'll start dubbing the tapes and maybe go copy some booklets. The 4 song tape will be a dollar or two or free if you're nice enough. The cd won't be mixed for about a week or so. The cd will be available for 4-5 dollars.
    9-6-00 After three days of doing vocals, we're finally done. Mixing will begin soon.
    9-4-00 We recorded today. We did 8 songs and we have all the instruments done. Vocals were hard because Scott has a cold, but we should get that done soon. What we recorded will be available on an 8 song cd or 4 song tape. We recorded the following songs: Rimshot, Burning Days, The Art of Breaking Glass, Bigger Picture, 2 Years Ago, Conspiracy to Beleive, Atlas, and Sleepless. *On an interesting note, out of all the people in the band, Bobby recorded his parts the fastest. He did every song in 1 or 2 takes. It was impressive.
    9-2-00 Not much is going on right now. Jarrod has gone off to college, so we're laying low for a few months. Check back though, because there will be things going on very soon.
    8-14-00 The show tonight went really really well. Thanks to everyone that came out. Kids Eat Free was sweet. Everyone should go see them at the Newport on August 25th. We have some stuff planned soon.
    8-12-00 The date of the first show has been moved to the 14th. Which is a Monday. If anyone wants directions, email for them.
    8-6-00 We're starting to book shows now, so watch for us soon. We're going to record 4 songs soon at Digital Demos studios. We're going to go back some other time and record 3 more and release an E.P. which is going to be self-titled.


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