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Visit it all these places.

Bands we're friends with... (in no order)

Mr. Celery Face-A really good melodic type punk band. Excellent shows too, but they never update the site.
Jack Handy-A ska band from Pickerington. They have the coolest trombone player ever. They like to drink. And they're proud of it!
The Bedrockers-Pop-punk like the Ramones. Cool guys.
Jet 66-Scott's old band. Hardcore-emo-ish. Jarrod was in it for awhile.
ATP-Scott and Kenny's old old band turned side project. Very odd. The site hasn't been updated in 2 years.
Planet Z-The kings of dorks. They just got a new drummer and they keep getting better.
Kids Eat Free-Good friends of ours. Check them out.
Brodie-They're pop-punk but listen to stuff like Kill the Man Who Questions and stuff that hurts most people's ears.

Cool places...

Interpunk-The place to buy punk stuff. Records, cds, leather. Jet 66 cds are available on there and Captain Obvious cds will be soon. best punk-news site.
I Dunno zine-A cool ass online zine. One of the few worth checking out more than once. site featuring new punk bands. We're on it. Check it out.

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