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Heres Where You Cum To Get Bored

Below are links to stupid pictures, some skateboarding stuff, and a few band sites. Theres no realy point in this, its just a place for me to put up stuff i think is fun. Ive got music stuff (all basic right now im trying to get more stuff uploaded before i go into details on bands) ive got stupid pictures, including a german eating a cat, and Wes Borland with a midget. Ive got skating pics, including Chad Muska having fun with a tree, some decks, and a couple of cool logo's. Ive even got details on some of the people i hang around with, although its waiting to be updated, so keep a look out for that. And last but not least, is the link to a local band a couple of my mates are in, called stick figgars. Be sure to go there after youv looked about here, unless you were linked to here from there of course, then just stay here, bitch!

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The Sites Spread Here

Skate Team
Funny Pics
Skatin Pics
Cool T's
Skate Tips
Stick Figgars
Andrea's Site
Coolest Thing Ever
Stuff About Me (Boring)
Louise's Site, Its Shit, But Shes Hot
Ass Kickin Skatin Site
My Old School
