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Karate Hamster's Revenge!

The Karate Hamster is the protector of the hamster race. He will defend all who are in need.

One peaceful day, near the waters edge Lily, a Russian blue hamster, was getting a drink of water. She was very calm and thought nothing of her surroundings. She was too content. When she was done, she turned to go back to her home. When she got back she laid in a small bundle of leaves and other various soft objects she had found going down the river and blowing past her house. Her hole in the ground was very comfortable despite the ground was moist. All the sudden it occurred to her. Why was the ground moist? She stuck her head out of her hole. She looked around. To her surprise, she saw another hamster, he was a golden brown hamster with scruffy fur. He was standing there, staring in the woods. It was quite far from her house but she could tell it was another hamster. All of the sudden he jumped in to the trees. Silence filled the air. Suddenly the silence was broken. Lily heard the growling and hissing of something retreating through the woods. Then the mysterious hamster made his appearance once again. Lily and the mysterious stranger's eyes met. Lily was shocked. She couldn't believe what she saw. His face had a huge gash in it and was bleeding. She couldn't hold back, she rushed to his aid. When she got to his side she started to speak. Softly, then louder. "What happened? What was that noise? Are you alright?" Her stream of questions came out fast. She started to lead him to her house. "I can give you something to make you stop bleeding" Lily said not even asking him this time. When she got to the house she laid him on the bed and rushed to a little spot in her house with little pieces of everything you'd find in a forest. She got a little piece of paper and went to the hamster. She started to get the blood off of his face. He began to speak. "The cats, they're coming. They want to get rid of you".

Lily had never been so surprised in all of her life. "what" was all she managed to say. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you my name, it's ZippyTK. I am the Karate Hamster. I have come to help you. The cats are on a conspiracy of mice, rats, and hamsters, they want to build their headquarters under-ground so they thought it would be easier to start with an already made hole. They sent one cat to get you out of you house and bring you back, dead. That was the sound in the woods". Lily was listing very attentively not even turning her head hardly blinking her eyes. ZippyTK continued, "The cat waited till you were out of you hole. Then he put water in and around your house to get you out, Then he would strike, but his plan failed, because I was there. I want you to come with me, it's not safe here right now. Don't worry about your house the cats won't come back till that one cat gets back to their base, which won't be for awhile".

The Karate Hamster led Lily to his hideout. When they got there he gestured to a spot, probably where he wanted Lily to sit. She understood and sat down. "O.K., are you ready for me to explain?" Lily nodded her head. "O.K. I want to help you because I am against cats, you probably are too, but let me explain. Just about 1 year ago, my mother and I were looking for a new nest. My father was waiting at our house to move everything. When we had found a new spot to live a cat jumped out of behind a barn. It scared my mother and I, we started to run but my mother fell in a hole in the ground. I tried to help her but she told me to run back home and not look back. I did has she told me. I ran like I had never ran before. I told my father and we decided to go back after a couple of minuets. When we started to go back my father stopped me. He told me that it was not safe enough, but we still had to go now. He told me to use my sense of smell and hearing to see if that cat was there every few seconds. It took us a long time but we made it to were my mother fell. She was not there. We looked around until we were ready to give up, but I refused to give. I told my father I would not give up until I had found her, dead or alive. That I would do whatever it took to find her. My legs were weary, but I did not stop. I found my mother at the end of the night, when the sun was rising. At first I thought she was dead but I would not stand for that. I kept listening to her heart". All of this time Lily had many spreaded feelings, she almost felt like a tossed salad. ZippyTK went on, "She was alive but barely. I quickly hurried her back to my house. She was heavy for me at the time, but I managed. When I got back, my father took my mother to the bed for her to rest and regain strength. I was very tired, but I let my mother stay alone, so I just slept on the floor. After awhile my father woke me up. I didn't listen to anything he had to say I just went over to my mother. I listened for a heart beat. I heard nothing. I couldn't hold back, I started to cry. I had nightmares that night. I couldn't stay awake either, so I had to suffer. In each dream the scene replayed, the cat, us running, my mother falling, us looking for her, and finally getting home, falling asleep, and waking up with my mother dead. I could not stand this any longer, too many thoughts, too many feelings, too many nightmares. I had to do something so this would not happen to anyone else, or any one else's family. I left the next morning to think of what I could do. When I got back, my heart jumped, my father was not anywhere to be found. I looked within at least a 20-block radius of my house for him, but I did not find him. I started to think it was my fault but then I realized he had left me a note. I was partially relieved. I knew something still could've happened when I read the note. it read: "Dear ZippyTK, I have gone to see where your mother and you found the new nest to see if it's alright. Signed, your father.

I raced out side not caring if there was a cat, I was going too fast for anything to see me. When I got there my father was cornered by a different cat then before. I ran to him I did not care what happened to me. I yelled at the cat to leave or else. He laughed at me. I couldn't stand him laughing like he did. He was out of control, rolling on the ground. I jumped up and bit his nose, so hard he yowled with pain. Then he shook me off with part of his nose. He was steaming mad. He was ready to pounce when I grabbed my father and jumped out of the way then I pounced on his back and bit him so hard I thought I heard his bone crack. Then he decided to run. I then knew what I could do. I could fight off all the cats until they realized that they were wrong and I was right." Lily was taken by this story.

"I want to help you." Lily said very sternly. ZippyTK looked at her. "First I must help you. O.K., let's go back to your house, it should be safe now."

When they got back the cats were in the woods, they were already at her house. ZippyTK took quick action. He rushed up there and just bit the crap out of all the cats near and around her house. They ran off hissing and talking among themselves. "WE WILL RETURN!!!!!". The cats screamed as they ran.

"That was close... We need to be more careful". Lily was thinking. "What if I just move out and bury the hole? Wouldn't that be easier?" ZippyTK did not turn around. "No. I will not let them take any more. They all must be stopped. They all must feel the wrath of the Karate Hamster!" Lily finally understood. ZippyTK was not just doing this for her. He was doing this for all hamsters, and for revenge.

"We need to set a trap. You got any ideas?" Lily was still thinking about ZippyTK's moving story. "Yes." Lily finally responded. "I do." ZippyTK's face expression finally changed. "Really? Great! Tell me what it is."

ZippyTK was overwhelmed. "That's a great idea!" Suddenly his face changed again. "We have to get to work right away." ZippyTK got up and looked around to see if there were any cats. He thought he saw something in the woods so he jumped up and squeaked as loud as he could, hoping it might go away, but whatever it was it didn't move. "Stay down" He said to Lily. "There's something here."

The thing in the woods started to move. Slow then fast, faster, faster, then it was going so fast ZippyTK got scared and jumped in the hole. It ran over the hole. It sounded like a train, felt like a train, but it wasn't a train. ZippyTK looked up knowing it would turn around and try again. "Stop!" ZippyTK got out all the way stood on 2 paws and yelled at the thing. "Who are you?" ZippyTK demanded. The thing didn't talk it just started to charge again. ZippyTK did not move. He just waited. The thing was surprised he didn't move. "Why not u scared of me now?" The thing said."I want to know who you are." ZippyTK wouldn't move. "I WildDog" The thing responded. "What are you?" ZippyTK continued "I am coyote" ZippyTK kept on "Why are you here?" "I here get rid of u" ZippyTK was shocked. "Get rid of me?" "Yes get rid of u. U not get this?" Lily could hear everything that was going on, she was not worried, but she had not seen WildDog yet. He was big with sharp teeth and he had visible muscles. "Why do you want to get rid of me?" ZippyTK could not stop asking questions. "I wanted by cats." "C-c-c-ca-cats? They hired you? To get rid of me?" ZippyTK was truly scared now.

"I'm n-not sca-scared of y-yo-you." "Really?... You lie! I hear it in voice!" ZippyTK could not admit he was afraid and tried to straiten his voice "Bring it on..." WildDog charged. ZippyTK jumped, but WildDog expected it. He jumped up and got ZippyTK from the scruff of his neck. "Let go of me!!" He couldn't bite WildDog because of the position he was in. Lily could see when ZippyTK jumped and now she had a front-row seat of all of this. She could not hold back. She jumped out of the hole. "Stop it!!!! Drop him!!! Now!!!" Lily was not afraid to do anything she had to do to save ZippyTK, but she had faith he'd get out himself. "NO!! LILY GET OUT OF HERE!!" WildDog may seem clueless but he knew that has soon as he dropped ZippyTK to get Lily ZippyTK would run, but WildDog didn't need Lily. He decided to just step on Lily, killing her and bring her back for an extra award. All he really needed was ZippyTK. "RRrrrrrrr" WildDog tried to step on Lily but she rolled out of the way. "NO!!STOP!!!RUN!!!!!" ZippyTK realized he wasn't doing anything useful. He just waited. When WildDog tried to step on Lily the next time his leg was close enough for ZippyTK to bite it. "YEEEOOOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!. Don't do that!!!!!!!!!!!" WildDog accidentally dropped ZippyTK. Both Lily and him ran for her house, but Lily didn't make it. WildDog grabbed her and put his paw over her while he waited for ZippyTK to come for rescue. "No ZippyTK don't help me! He's just using me for ba..ilewgome!" WildDog covered her mouth with his paw. "Oh man what am I supposed to do now? This is just great, I can't do anything." ZippyTK was not going to give though, he'd think of something.

Lily was struggling herself free inch by inch. WildDog couldn't feel her getting out because she was going slow. He only felt her movement. ZippyTK jumped out of the hole. "Come and get me, you big stupid coyote!" Wild dog did just that. Lily knew what to do. She jumped strait in the hole and hid in a corner. ZippyTK wanted her to do just that, he didn't want anything to happen to her. Zippy TK stopped in his tracks, he was short so WildDog ran over him, with all his legs to the side. When Wild Dog stopped and looked around, ZippyTK jumped on his back and sunk his teeth in his neck as far has he could. "GET OFF ME PARASITE!!" ZippyTK was startled and lost his grip. "STOP!!! I never wanted job!!! Cats say they give me food if I catch you!!! I hungry, I was desperate!!! I not chasing you no more!!!" Lily heard what WildDog had said and came out. "Gosh, we're sorry, if you help us well give you food, more than the cats probably would of given you.

"O.K. I will!!!" WildDog was going to help Lily and ZippyTK fight the cats. "Good, I'll give you some food right now to get you satisfied." Lily went to her house and got a piece of cheese she had been saving. "Here, I hope you like it!" Lily threw it in front of WildDog. WildDog ate it in an instant. "That good!!! I get more?!!" Lily was glad he liked it cause cheese was all she had. "Don't worry there's more where that came from!!"

ZippyTK took WildDog outside for a little training. " Listen, the cats are trying to make an underground headquarters where Lily's house is." WildDog interrupted. "I know, they also want kill you, get you out of way." ZippyTK wasn't surprised he already knew, he was making sure he remembered. "O.K. What did the cats say to you before they sent you out?" WildDog sat there. He couldn't think. "Ummmm..... They say they give me food if I bring you back to them" ZippyTK realized this would be hard." No, no, no. What did they say about the headquarters." They say it will be underground." ZippyTK was getting frustrated. "O.K. Let's make this easier... What did the cats say about why they were making it underground?" WildDog looked real confused. "I think cause rodents dig underground." ZippyTK had an idea."O.K. WildDog, listen." ZippyTK hoped he understood that. "Now we are going to go to the cats and turn me in." WildDog was shocked. "!!!WHY???"ZippyTK looked confident. "You'll see."

WildDog had ZippyTK in his mouth but he was holding him loosely and ZippyTK was acting limp. To make it seem as if he were dead. ZippyTK keep explaining what to do while they were walking. "O.K. one more time, listen. We go to the cats headquarters and you drop me on the ground and stay there until I give the command O.K.? Do you remember what the command is?" WildDog shook his head. "Hey!!! Don't do that, you could hurt me, well nevermind just keep going." When they got to the headquarters, WildDog scratched on the door. "Who is it??" A booming voice asked. "It e." WildDog said, with ZippyTK in his mouth. "Come in." The voice said.

At home Lily was worried. She kept on thinking to herself. "What if something happens or if the cats get ZippyTK or if WildDog turns on us. OH!!!!! This is so frustrating, why can't I just think that everything will be fine. Why do I always have to think something bad will happen? I'll just hope for the best." Lily decided it would be best for her to sleep, but she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn't shake the feeling that something was going or was going to go wrong. "THAT'S IT I CAN'T EVEN THINK ANYMORE!!!! I'm going out there."

At the headquarters WildDog had just dropped ZippyTK on the ground. "Purrfect, heh heh, now NOTHING will get in our way! HA HA HA HA!!!!!!" ZippyTK jumped up. "That's what you think!!!" All the cats were startled. ZippyTK jumped up in the air and pounced on the cats one by one, biting their ears, noses, and necks. "RoWR ME oW HiSs Rarw!" The cats screamed and hissed at ZippyTK and ran around trying to catch him. The cats eventually scrambled out of the shack, where their headquarters were. "Ha ha! Take that dumb cats! O.K. WildDog stay here and make sure that no cats get back inside." ZippyTK ran the direction of Lily's house. Lily was running toward the headquarters. Well..... "OW!! HEY!! Oh it's you Lily what are you doing here I was just going to get you!" Lily was still a little confused. "Huh? Oh ZippyTK O.K. What did you want?" I want you to get all your friends and family and bring them to the headquarters!" Lily shook her head. "O.K. I'll go right away!" ZippyTK ran back to WildDog. "Hey! WildDog! Cats come back yet?" WildDog wolfed. "Ummmm.... and this means what now?" WildDog looked down. "Oh hi! What you do down there?" "Well you know I'm a hamster..." WildDog laughed. "Oh yea!! heh heh..... sorry. No, no cats come." ZippyTK heard something and looked behind him. "Lily! Wow you have a lot of friends!" " Yea... is that a little too many...?" There were many murmurs in the crowd. "So what do we do?, Where are the cats?, Who's that dog?." WildDog didn't like that question. "Quiet everyone! Listen I want you all to dig .........................................................................O.K.? Everyone cheered.

ZippyTK ran into the forest to get the cats to chase him. "HEY!!!! LOSERS!!!! OVER HERE!!!! ZippyTK saw the cats and got them to chase him. He ran it to the headquarters. "Now we've got him!! Cats! ATTACK!!!!!!! All the sudden a million hamsters and even some mice and rats, dug through the wall of the shack and started to hit bite and scratch all the cats. "HEY YOU LITTLE PIPSQUEAKS!!!! GET OUT OF HERE!!! Then WildDog burst in and stood in the door way. "Hey WildDog, you dumb mutt!! Help us get rid of these little rodents!! " WildDog roared out "NO YOU BAD!!!!! YOU BETRAY ME!!!! YOU USED ME!!! NOW I GET MY REVENGE!!!!" All the sudden the cats jumped around everywhere and tried to get out. " Yea WildDog!!! Get 'em!!!!!! WildDog fought like the wind he chased out all the cats and chased them through the woods and out the other side. "I hope he comes back." Lily said while staring down in to the woods. "He didn't get his reward yet."

Later in the cats shack ZippyTK was with Lily and all the other hamsters and such. They were working on the shack to have a party. WildDog got back just when it was ready. "Hey WildDog, come here! Look what you get!!" It was amazing. It was a huge statue of himself, MADE ENTIERLY OUT OF CHEESE!!!!!!!!!! "ARRRRROOOWWWWW!!!!!!!!" WildDog jumped at it and started to eat it. ZippyTK, Lily and all the others watched as it dissapered. "Oh WildDog!!!!" Everyone laughed and shouted. WildDog laid down and barked with the celebration.