Ahhhh yes I remember it,probably not as well as I should
but oh well.You see it all started a long time ago in 1995.That year I met Mr.Myke
in the highschool cafeteria,then soon after our meeting we got thrown out,and now that I knew
he lived down the street I would go over to his house and hang out
he had a guitar & that was pretty cool so after awhile we decided we should start
a band and so we attempted to do so but it was hard to find anybody with a drum set.
So Hermin asked his mom to get him a drum set for his birthday & she did,great.
But then the problem being neither of us new how to play the damn thing
so we called on our buddy Jason M. who had played drums in the school band
in like 7th grade or some shit like that,but hey he could kinda do it so we thought cool
and so we soon went about practicing with Myke on guitar,Jason on drums
and since I had no talent at all I was elected to sing and so the story begins.
We used to play all these crappy cover songs and like two originals,and after a bit
we decided we needed a fucking bass player so we called upon the good old Matt Bastard.
And we practiced with him for awhile but then the asshole moved back to South Bend so we
were stuck in a rut again,so we then called upon Floyd who worked out for one practice
then we were back to being fucked again.But Jason knew this guy named Gary who played guitar
really well so we decided to have hm try to play bass (even though he liked Blue Oyster Cult &
other shit like that).Then one day when we were practicing Matt's brother Josh came to check us out
and he took the bass from Gary and he became our permanent bass player until he stole some hair clippers
from Jason and Jason refused to play with him and so having known Jason longer we had to say goodbye to Josh.
So then Hermin moved up to K-Zoo and me & Jason would come up and play,Myke taught me how to play
the songs on bass so I started to play bass & sing.Then blah blah we stopped playing with Jason 'cos
well I really don't know why he just turned into a fucking asshole so we needed to find a new drummer
and it came in the form of Jason #2.Then we found this kid Kevin to play drums and we
enlisted Floyd back in at the bass position and once again he only worked out for one practice
but then good old Matt came back from South Bend and we got him to play bass for us,he was originally
going to play the organ so then we started playing as a four piece with two guitar players that was great.
But then we had to give Kevin the boot and me and Matt went off to California for a bit and I returned to
play guitar in Myke's newly formed K.F.A. then Matt came back and in one night of drunken idiocy Hermin got on
the drums Matt got on the bass & I got on the guitar and microphone and lo and behold we became the Alkamaholiks.
Now out of all the people this is by far the best lineup we've had and I certainly think it's gonna stay like this.