Random Days with You

v1- you said hello again
i said goodbye again
you left me standing with nothnig to say
you took me out that day

c- you closed your eyes and i closed mine
and we kissed for teh very first time
and i knew that it wouldnt be our last
well just sit and forget about the past

v2-tomorrow is a new day
maybe well walk down to the bay
skip some rocks along the shore
thank go your not a whore

c- you closed your eyes and i closed mine
and we kissed for teh very first time
and i knew that it wouldnt be our last
well just sit and forget about the past

v1- you said hello again
i said goodbye again
you left me standing with nothnig to say
you took me out that day

c- you closed your eyes and i closed mine
and we kissed for teh very first time
and i knew that it wouldnt be our last
well just sit and forget about the past