September 14th- two new shows added. check the shows page

September 10th- This blows my penis. Two shows canceled this month. September 12 and September 20. Even worse, recording canceled. Our 11 track cd should be out in october. More shows should be announced soon.

September 7th- Hey. The show on friday at the lanes went good. Pictures should be up soon. New show added for the 10th at the lanes. We might have a show at red zone soon. Dont forget to come down to our show this friday at the teencenter.

September 2nd- Hey whats happening? Dont forget to come down friday for the show. We got some big show news for u. First of all, we are playing a festival thing at Eisenhower Park,Nassau NY with bowling for soup, movielife, the starting line, and tons more. That concert is on July 18th 2004. I know its far, but its still important. Also we are opening for simple plan in troy, new york sometime around may 2004. Well thats all ttyl.

August 28th- Hey whats good? We got some news on the show next friday at the lanes. Paul cant play so we are getting riv from awkward silence to replace him. Also an acoustic song has been writing and the words are on the site. Patent pending might play the show on the 19th. couple more bands to be announced for that shortly. Check out the show page for more info. C ya at the show next friday.

August 26th- Hey there are like alot of updates with shows. Check the show page. There are also some changes on the site. later

August 14th- Discography page created. More pictures have been added from the july 26th show. There might not be updates for a while. We are finishing up writing the songs for our demo. Dont forget to come down to the teencenter on September 12th to pick it up.

August 8th- New lyrics added. Lineup is updated for september 12 show. Bands wanted for show september 19th. Email jp if u wanna be on it. Recording is coming up in less than a month. Poll is done. Make it count is the new demo name. Pick it up at the september 12 show. ttyl

August 3- Olive fest cancelled. We cant play. New band added to the septemmber 12 show. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL HEROES!!! Its gonna be a kick ass show so dont forget to watch it.

Jluy 31st- all the info up on the show page for next fridays backyard show. We go on at 2. Also we might have a show next thursday also. Talk to u later

July 30th- Hey what up. Pics from the show at the image are up. only 3 so far more to come though. Tommys out of the band. Paul is the new singer and james a little also. Also there are only a few days left till the poll is gone so get voting. k thats it 4 now later

July 29th- He whats up. Another show is booked. August 8th at a block party. More info and address will be announced shortly. Its a free show and the time is from either 2-9 or 3-10, the time will be confirmed soon. Also the only confirmed band so far is last one left. others tba shortly. Also 3 more shows will be announced shortly. One is at the backstage and the other places arent confirmed yet. O yea also patent pending and 3 day weekend are also playing the show at the teencenter on september 12th

July 27th- Hey every1 whats good. Show yesturday was pretty good. We did pretty good for a first show. We did 3 originals. There was a decent crowd of like 35 ppl. All the other bands kicked major ass. Check out their web sites at the links page. We got 2 more shows coming up. 1 at the bethpage teencenter september 12 and another at glen cove lanes september 19. Pictures from yestudays show should be up soon, and also there might be some changes to the site soon. c ya later


July 22th- WOW!!!! Last night totally kicked the shit out of us. Tommy, our singer, has realized that he can not make the show on saturday. Also, Roaring silence and unreasonable people have dropped off the bill. Yea i know THAT FUCKING SUX!!!! Dont worry though cuz paul and james will sing, and we have already found a replacement for roaring silence. Akward silence will replace them. OK so ill c u saturday.

July 21st- theres like 4 more days till our show at the image. Replacing madision 34 is a common end. you should all come down. We are playing 12 songs, and 4 of them are originals. The originals are please come back, random days with you, feelings kept inside and an instrumental song.

July 13th- K dont forget our show at the image on july 26th. The lyrics for 2 new songs is up on the site. Vote on the poll cuz we need your opinion. Their wont be updates for awhile now. Thats it for now so later. C YA AT THE IMAGE ON JULY 26TH!

July 11th- YOOOOO!! So im gonna be away for a while so no updates would be made on the site. Before i go let me remind u about our show we have on the 26th at the image. We are recording a 4 track demo on September 5th. It will be sold at our show on sept. 19th. The track list will be shown soon. The name will be determined by u guys on our july poll. That should be put up shortly. We also will be on a comp with high school football heroes and forced laughter and more. In a week the site might be fixed up a bit. Thats all i can think of for now so later.

July 3rd- Hey whats up. We found another band to play the july 26th show. Madision 34 will play in place of conquer the world. We will be recording a 4 track demo in the no hope studios on september 5th. We will have a cd release party along with madision 34 at our september 19th show at glen cove lanes. We also will be on a compilation with Silent tragedy, forced laughter, instant reaction and more in september. More info will be anounced later. The Poll for July will be up in a few days. The poll will ask which name u prefer for our demo. The times that each band will play at the july 26th show are posted on the show page. Merchandise page updated. Madision 34 added to the september 19th show as well. Thats all for now ill have more news in a few days. Later

June 24th- Wow huge news. There is now a tomorrow never comes makeover. James is now drummer, our good friend Tommy is our singer, I(jp) am guitar, and paul is bass. Dont worry, we are the same type of music. To conquer the world has canceled their slot on the july 26th show. Replacing them will be announced shortly. We have two added shows this summer. One at a block party called olivefest in august, and at the bay terrace country club's talent show, also in august. In the next week ill tell u the exact dates of the two, and the replacing band on the july 26 show. later- jp

June 4th- Well HEEEELLLOOOO. As we draw near to the summer, let me remind u on our summer shows. We have a block party show at the end of june(date tba)with last on left and more tba. We are playing the image july 26 with roaring silence, unreasonable ppl, all hopes lost, conquer the world, on the run. And finally a show on september 19th at the glen cove lanes with conquer the world, on the run, mind enema, and 4 other bands that i am keeping a secret for now. Thank u all for voting on the may poll. The results were: Carousel by blink 182 in 1st with 14 votes, What it is to burn by Finch in 2nd with 11 votes, and Watch the world by Boxcarracer in 3rd with 6 votes. The new poll should be up by the end of the night. Thats all for now later- jp

May 31st- Bad news. We had to cancel our show at the downtown. We were supposed to play on August 25th, along with Chasing Amy, and Silent Tragedy. Sorry dudes maybe next year

May 23rd- K so today we recorded an instrumental song and an acoustic version of Please come back. Those should be on the site within the next week. The lyrics of please come back have also been added. THats it for now later

May 19th- WE DID IT!!! HELL YEA!! We are playing the downtown as part of the 2nd annual summer Battle of the Bands! Other bands playing are Chasing Amy, Floffus, All Hopes Lost, Silent Tragedy, Cast no Shadows, the ripoffs, free refills, 1st runner up, and like 45 more bands. We dont know what monday we will be playing, but check back next wenesday for that information. WE WILL BE SELLING TICKETS FOR THIS!! Contact us for more information.

May 17th- WE are now a four piece band!!!! James from to conquer the world has joined on vocals! Thats all for now later!

MAy 12th- Ok first off let me update u all on our show at the imgae bar/night club on july 26th. The band list has been updated, but im not sure if im adding another band or not. As of now the lineup is: Tomorrow Never Comes, To Conquer the World, All Hopes Lost, Roaring Silence, and Unreasonable people. Go to the show dates section for more information. We might be playing a block party this summer, but im not 100% sure. A new tnc logo is being created, so check back often to see if thats on the site. A new song is being written. As of now it is called "one lonely night". If it is not on the lyrics page now check back soon for it. Also we have our tnc mailing list up and running. To sign up, go to the main page and write your email address and name and your all set. Before i go, dont forget to go the the bethpage teencenter this friday,MAy 16th. We are not playing, but a lot of kickass bands are. Chance of a lifetime, floffus, silent tragedy, are jsut a few of the amazing bands playing. Also we are gonna try and be on the battle of the bands at the downtown this summer. Come support us if we get their!!- JP

May 6th- Wow its only been a day and i got more news for you all. We have a new show at glen cove lanes on september 19th. So far no other bands are playing, but if u are in a band and you wanna play, then email me and i'll think about it.

May 5th- Wow I haven't updated in a while. Lots of new stuff going on. A new show is coming up on July 26th at the image bar. We should also have more shows at the backstage and glen cove lanes soon. Two new pages add, merchandise page and pictures page. The Monthly poll has been changed for the may poll. The recording date has been set with no hope records. We can not tell you the date now, but we can say that it is in early september. For more infromation on no hope records, go to the links page and go the the misc. section to get the link. An untitled song has been writing and is at the lyrics page. The music for the song nothing matters has been finished. thats all for now. See ya later- JP

April 19th- Hey, what up, its your favorite guitar player JP. So today i helped my good friends from silent tragedy out by filling in as their guitar play(he was out of town) for their show at the image bar. It was fun and a good experience. Expect to see a tomorrow never comes show there very soon, like late june, early july. Also look for more songs at the lyrics page. Talk to ya later- jp

April 5th: HEy whats going on? Rob, our old singer has left the band, so since he was our web site organizer, we had to create a new site. Hope you like this new site it is currently under construction. All the shows we originally had have now been cancelled since our old singer had booked them all. But don't you worry, more shows are coming. So stay tuned- jp