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Alright look.....I know I have updated this website in a long I decided to do so and im going to try and make it GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT, so if there are any many misspelled words, dont shoot me. Alrighty then, lets begin. First I'd like to give some shout outs............NOT, shoutouts are gay and completely no shoutout for you....Alright, first off my name is Michael Ryan Kadel and I go by Ryan because my dad's name is Michael and it would be confusing at our house so I go by Ryan. End of story. I live in good ol' Independence KS. I live in the ghetto of the Country Club. I'm about 5'10 1/2" and weigh roughly 150lbs (yes I know I'm fat). I have hazel eyes and short light brown hair(look at the picture) I attend the I-high and I'm in 9th grade. My least favorite class is Geometry. It sucks and i suck at it but I'm still passing with an 80% so im happy. My favorite class is probably PE because its easy. My least favorite teacher is Ms. Unruh, she thinks pop and sugar is poison and she gives us a lecture about it whenever someone brings a cookie in. She totally makes Seminar UN-FUN! favorite teacher is Mrs. Shepard, shes a cool down to earth person I guess you could say. School is almost.....ALMOST over and I can't wait till I get to sleep in. Right now. at this very excact moment........I'm single......I've been single for awhile now (since May 2nd) My relationship didnt last very Zach predicted. It was like 2 weeks. It was a pretty gay relationship....she never wanted to do anything with me so I just went and hung out with friends....AND just to set the record straight......She didnt dump me, I didnt dump was MUTUAL... Now that I'm single I've kind of had my eye on someone but we're not going to get into that.....Any who i cant think of anything else for this section so lets just continue on with the webpage....Oh yeah, if any of you guys out there are at a dance and get turned down......remember this "Would you like to dance? [she says "no"] No, you must have misunderstood me, I SAID, you look fat in those pants!"


Yes, it's true, I skate.....I'm one of the many few that skateboard in Independence...and yes I do know that ALMOST EVERY KID SKATES NOW, but im not one of those kids that hopped on the bandwagon and started skating. NO! I did it because it was FUN. I'm not very good, but atleast I try. AND I'm getting better! So far I can.....Ollie, sort of ollie while riding, nosestall, nosestall to an indy (yes i know that trick sounds extremely cool and complicated, it's really not that hard to do and it's not that cool but hey, I can do it) do a backside pop shove it, and almost, I said ALMOST, kickflip. I usually skate with Zach Jolly and Zack Camacho, (we used to skate with Bret Kelley, but he kind of disappeared on us). We usually skate at the Middle School......A funny story happened one day when Zach and I were skating...One day not to long ago, maybe in February or March, Zach and I were on the sidewalk on the Westside of the Middle School. We were just talking and waiting for Zack. A car drove by and was being gay and yelled some gay stuff but we just ignored it. The car flipped a Uie and had it's right tires on the sidewalk. I was on the sidewalk like 6 inches from the street and the car drove by like 2 inches from my feet and the people in the car were laughing the whole time....So i threw my board through the window and the bomb on my board exploded and killed everyone in the car and Zach and I laughed the whole time. But you probably never heard about it cause the bomb had a silencer and we got rid of all of the cars remains......MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......ok all of that story was true until the whole throwing the board through the window part. I just thought I'd spice it up a little. Below is a picture of me skating on a was scary. Zach Jolly is the one on the left with the gay long hair and Zack Camacho is the one on the right with the old man's afro, and Bret Kelley is off in the distance skating at his house on his oversized board.



That's my deck

Alright, yes I'm one of those people that like music. But, I only like a certain kind of music.

I REALLY DON'T LIKE RAP. If I absolulty have to listen to it(in my brother's car) then I will listen to it.....but I don't download rap songs or buy rap cds. I like Rock, Alternative, and Punk. My favorite band is Blink 182. Yes they may have sold out but hey, I don't care. They're still and awesome band and make great music. My other favorite bands are (in no particular order) A New Found Glory, Mest, Jimmy Eat World, Simple PLan, MXPX, Incubus, Less Than Jake. Some cool songs you guys should consider downloading are, Abandoned Pools-The Remedy, Simple Plan-I'm Just a Kid,Incubus - Warning,Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American,Sugarcult - Bouncing Off the Walls Again, Punk Covers - Gin and Juice, Dashboard Confessions - Screaming Infidelities..and that's all that i can think of. Welp, thats my webpage, Sign the Guestbook and do the poll and do the favorite sayings thing.




Name: Bret Kelley, Height:5'6", Weight:115-125, Last Seen Skating With Friends:3 weeks ago at his house, he's never been seen skating with Ryan Kadel, Zack Camacho, and Zach Jolly.....If you have any information on where this kind might be skating at, please, sign the guest book and let us know. Please come home Bret.....We miss you.

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