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...and you tought you knew me?
Wednesday, 20 September 2006
so today was fucked up.
Now Playing: Chris Brown- say goodbye
12:23am- ..... but i made the best out of it. or at least tried to. Guilherme said that hes not my brother anymore. or at least se announced to the whole MYSPACE... he was like "as of right now i dont have a brother anymore or someshit like that" which is REALLY fucked up.but what ever. i dont care anymore. well, i do, but im not gonna stress my self right now. im just gonna wait for my mom to come back home. i was SOOOOOOO mad/pissed off/ crying/ sad/ and everything you could of imagine. i punched a stop sign. and i just couldnt take all this shit. which i have to thank BECCA and LUIS soooo much. because they were there for me. they were there for me at the hospital. they were there for me today. i honestly think that i would of done something stupid... but luis didnt let me leave the house until becca picked me up. and she did. as soon as my mom let me take the car, im really just gonna get luis and becca and just take them to get a FAT CAT. thats what at least i could do. maybe if i think of something then ill do it. but as of right now, im just gonna take them to get a fat car. =] then of course i would like to pick up Jessica Z. shes really awesome to chill with. ever since Coyle introduced me to her and what not, we've been talking and what not. chillen. and all that. we talk online... we talk on the phone. and so on. but idk. i told her that i think that shes really cute, and that i like her eyes and smile. and that shes a really goood friend to hang out with and waht not. so thats why when my mom comes back with the car from North Carolina, then im gonna take the car and pick Jess up or something. you know, to hang out. maybe go somewhere and do something. but idk. we'll see what happens. right now im just gonna end this. ill come back more later on tomorrow and see what happens from there. so YUP. ill talk to you later. !!! bye

Posted by punk/xoimused87x at 12:26 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 19 September 2006
12:05 am- okay so i had to be rushed to the hospital today because i had some sort of infection on my body... since my mom and step-father wasnt here, i had to get a ride somehow to the hospital or some sort of a doctor. but since i didnt know any doctors around, i called my mom and asked if i could go to the hospital. she said thats the only thing that i could of done, so i did. i called 911 and the ambulance picked me up. the ambulance ride was fun though. i was chatting with this one lady on the back until i got to the hospital. shes more of a teenager then a LADY. lol. i noticed that she got her tongue pierced. she told me that one of her friends owns a tattoo shop in newark, and i was like. "oh nice". but yeah, while i was there, i wasnt sure how i was gonna come back home, so i called luis from inside the hospital and i asked him if he could find a ride somehow for me to go back home. he did, he called becca. and thats when alot of shit started to happen. to sum up on what happened, luis gave becca back her stuff, and they fought. i dont know whats really going on with them now, but oh well. then towards the end of the night, pete came by and picked me and luis up. we went to newark to pick up some stuff. then from there we went to HOBOKEN skate park. then Jessica Zonak or something like that called me while i was in Newark, i wasnt available to chill with her today but hopefully i'll chill with her tomorrow or something. if not tomorrow then ill deff chill with her on wednesday because shes not working. i honestly think shes a cool girl. i was talking to her friend about jess, but her friend said that jess is kickin with some other dude... so that kinda ruins for me doesnt it? lol. but idk. all i know is that jess is really cool to chill with. i guess thats whats making me like her. but idk. we'll see what happens. we're just talking, chillen and what not. but yeah, as of right now though, im gonna get going because im gonnna go outside and have a cigg. ill write more later or maybe tomorrow. so yea....TTYL

Posted by punk/xoimused87x at 12:01 AM EDT
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Monday, 18 September 2006
Now Playing: currently listening to THURSDAY !!!
hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that this is my first entry. this is where i'll be posting alot of my journal entries and what not. i usually write them in hand written and what not.. but when im on the computer i guess you could say that i'll post them here as well. but right now im going to go, so ill talk to you later i guess. LATER ~

Posted by punk/xoimused87x at 3:26 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 18 September 2006 3:30 AM EDT
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