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Stuff nobody wants to read
Monday, 16 January 2006
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: "Vampire Heart" - HIM
» My Name Is Samantha and I am 15
» I Start Pretty Much All Of My Words With Capital Letters. Deal With It.
» I Live In Canada
» All The Rumours Are True.
» All Of Them.
» Yes, Even That One.
» I Laugh At Things That Other People Don't Find Funny.
» Like When Someone Falls Over. Or Locks Their Keys In Their Car.
» From First To Last Make Me Smile. Alot.
» They're Pretty Neato.
» Don't Ask Me To Choose Between You And Them, Because You Can Never Win.
» I Rock. only not really but shhh its a secret
» I Really Don't Care If You Don't Like My Music.
» I probably Won't Like Yours Either.
» My Chemical Romance Are Also Rad.
» I Like Fall Out Boy. Deal With It.
» Try To Label Me. I Dare You.
» I'll Be Able To Come Up With At Least One Point About Me To Prove You Wrong.
» Simple Plan And Green Day Are Freaking Horrible.
» Simple Plan Are Like, 25 Year Olds Singing About How They Are Kids.
» Identity Crisis, Much?
» I Would Like To Honestly Say That I Don't Care What You Think Of Me.
» But Thats A Lie.
» And Everyone cares what people think about them, or say about them, Even if they say that they don't give a fuck.
» But No One Likes To Be Bitched About.

Sammy Hates
» People Trying To Be Something They're Not.
» When People Pretty Much Try To Be Me x.o;;
» Green Day, Simple Plan...
» Pretty Much Any shit music.
» People Who Think Billie Joe Is Hot.
» He's A Fucking She-male, People.
» People Who Only Like Bands Because Of The Singers.
» People Who Tell Other People That They Are 'Emo'.
» People Who Steal My Ideas.
» When People Dump Their Problems On Me.
» People In General.
» I Can Assure You This List Will Be Updated Soon.
» I'm A Very Hateful Person. =)
» But Maybe I'll Love You =D

Some stuff you should know about me:

♥I swear a lot.
♥I <3 the colours black and red
♥I am obsessed with music (only music I like though).
♥I am very sarcastic
♥I am cooler than a spoon. oh ya, thats right. major pwnage.
♥I have low self esteem
♥Very low self esteem.
♥If you call me emo/goth/punk/scene/any other stupid ass
stereotype I WILL have to kick your ass.
♥You make me mad and I will slap you or bite you. Your pick.
♥I like to make macaroni at 1:00 in the morning
♥I have a pet seed. Named Seedrick. You just got owned. Bigtime.
♥I have the most retarted dreams
♥If you like the same music as me; I love you.
♥Hassle Me about my stupid, pointless interests and I will scream at you... or type in caps lock. Same effect. Leave me to myself.
♥I like to listen to the same songs over and over again.
♥I can be very snappy, and use big words often.
♥I'm a nice person... I swear.
♥I'm quite opinionated
♥I take random photos.
♥I am quite random myself
♥I love Emo Hair (Can anyone say superficial? xDDD)

I'm afraid of:

large bodies of water
pop music
seaweed (eeeeww)
Sonny + Gerard Disappearing off the face of the earth
MCR or FFTL breaking up
Burning to death
small dark spaces
not being able to listen to music ever again

[x]I am probably the most awesome person ever. Only not really because I suck.
[x]Jessica says I'm a whore because people say I like to hump poles.
[x]Jessica also says that I am a cow anus licker, I look like a volleyball and a balloon, I get turned on by the smell of cats, and other disturbing stuff like that.
[x]I prefer Diet Coke/Pepsi to regular coke/pepsi
[x]Root beer is gross
[x]So is cream soda. ew.
[x]i go rawr.
[x]I say sorry way too much.
[x]I love coloring in coloring books like a little kid <3 :) ♥
[x]Cute guys make me nervous
[x]I lovelove to sing
[x]If I don’t like you, you’ll most likely know it.
[x]I love when it rains .. and love playing in puddles! =]

yeah thats all

Posted by punk/xhailofbulletsx at 10:26 PM EST
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Mood:  down
Now Playing: Note To Self - From First To Last
-Can you rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time?: Yes! I feel proud.
-What would you do if I (the creator of this survey) suddenly materialized beside you: I dunno

-Have you ever been accused of being a Star Wars geek: yes!
-I love you: of course you do
-How high up can you count to: More than youuuu!
-What would you do if you were riding a bike through town and a triceratops suddenly crashed into a brick wall in front of you and got up and started dancing while playing the flute: I would start singing and dancing

-Do you believe in God: I don't know

-What would you do if you were God for a day: Muaahahhah
-Which would you rather have -- 99 apples or 99 bananas: 99 apples
-You make my heart smile: You make my face smile!
-Do you resent robots: Robots are the sex
-Are you scared of ghosts: maybeh
-Will you make a good parent: I dunno...probably not!

-I wish I was awesome: I AM awesome. Oh burn.

-Glass half-empty or half-full: both!
-HOLY SHMOOLIGANS!!! IS IT TRUE THAT YOU'RE GAY?: shmooligans? but no...its not
-If i knitted you some booties, would you wear them: YES
-Do you like bubbles and swords: sure!
-What was the last book you read: To Kill A Mockingbird (english class )
-Will you run away to Chuckie Cheese with me: aw yes. ¢¾
-If you had to analyze yourself into an animal, what would you be: an animal? umm...I dunno. I'm gonna say a llama cuz I'm cool like that
-How important is conventional beauty to you: ??

-Tell me a cure for sunburn.:Aloe vera?
-Have you ever felt sorry for the sidewalk?: Yes, c'mon! Like, who hasn't?! GOSH!

-If I bought you flowers would you fall in love with me?: What kind of flowers?
-Do you tend to stress more about the past, the present, or the future?: past & present....and future

-Have you ever been a hummer?: A hummer? suurree...
-Were you as shocked and saddened as I was to hear that Andrew McMahon from Something Corporate has cancer?: who?
-Ever slept in an igloo?: no *cry*
-Chicago is the coolest place in the world. Do you watch CSI?: yes! CSI is the sex.
-Dennys or iHop?: huh?

-Do you like more peanut butter or more jelly on a pb&j sandwich?: peanut butter I guess?
-Can i wash your car? or make you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?: Yes! and yay!
-What is the last song you want hear before you die?: umm...I dunno..lemme think bout that
-Will! you! go! to! prom! with! me?! And dance and dance and dance and dance and dance. And dance.: YAY!
-Do you have lisp or know anyone with a lisp?: yes i know someone who does
-What's your deoderant brand?: Secret
-I was watching TRL one time and Bow Wow came out and a bunch of girls started crying and trying not to pass out and stuff. What do you think of their reaction?: i think they're wierdos/prostitutes..
-Take the month and day of the year, put them together and multiply by 3.14 (so, if it's April 17, that's 4/17. 417 x 3.14 = 1309.38): bout YOU do it instead?
-What is the most number of cats you can fight off in a life or death situation?: 84!
-I think my dog just ate a bug...what should I do?: Mine did too! only not really I don't have a dog xD
-What is your opinion on The Backstreet Boys?: ew
-Fall Out Boy?:
-What is the color of your bathroom walls?: grey

-Would you be excited if you could go on a date with Pete Wentz?: dunno
-What would you do if you saw a lady bug have a seizure?: I would seizure with it

1. What is the display name on your myspace? Ya, Thats right
2. Name the last person who left a comment on your myspace? Tyler
3. What relation do you have to them? they're cool
4. What do your socks have on them? not wearin socks

5. Do you write on your shoes? sometimes!
6. Are you listening to music right now? Yes
7. If so, what? the warped tour '05 CD

8. Does your name spell anything cool if you scramble the letters? I dunno....
9. Do you have freeze pops in your freezer? no
10. What is your favorite flavor freezepop? I dunno
11. How often do you go running? lol
12. What is the longest survey you have taken? a long one, like 181 questions
13. If you could be any dairy product, what would it be? cheese.
14. Have you ever been callen a whore? yes. By Jessica. So I called her a prostitute and she called me a cow anus licker xP
15. Do you buy clothing for your animals? no
16. Can you speak any other languages fluently? not totaly fluently
17. What does your font look like on your instant messenger service?(name, color, size) I dunno
18. Do you think you will have kids in the next 5 years? God I hope not.
19. How old is your youngest friend? I dunno
20. What was the last word to come out of your mouth? you prostitute! (ok, so that was 2 words)
21. Do you play online games? sometimes
22. How much weight can you lift? more than you would think!
23. What TV show would you like to be on? Family Guy
24. Do you watch the Sunday Stew on MTV? no
25. Name 5 things you have done today? 1. talked like a creepy...thing 2. spoke french 3. laughed so hard I cried (in drama class) 4. played guitar with my "strong hand" (lol, you probably wont get that) 5. Laughed about Bertha and Dirty Pop (ew Petafile!)
26. What is the last food item you purchased? umm....does water count?
27. How much money did you spend on your last trip to the mall or store? $10.79 lol. Ya, I'm cool.
28. If you were a rapper, what would your name be? Samanthatrizzle
29. Would you rather be ugly & smart or dumb & pretty? both! So I'm average smartness and average lookingness
30. What kind of cars does your family have? I dunno
31. Do you dance alone in your bedroom? maybeh
32. Do you walk around your room naked? no
33. What is your position when you sleep? Im all over the place.
34. Do you snore when you sleep? Nope! Yay me!
35. Do you drool when you sleep? lol probably

36. What parts of your body sweat? ??
37. What sites do you use for surveys? survey sites, dur. Doesnt everyone?!
38. Do you dream about celebrities? sometimes haha completely random ones i dont even care about too
39. Have you ever slept naked? I dont think I have.
40. What do you think about the most when bored? 41. Do you own a digital camera? Yes.
41. What do you think about when you are bored?music, my problems...

42. How many pictures do you have on your computer? pictures of what?
43. What was the last bug you saw in your house? A spider. It was making an army in my shoe.
44. Do you own a pair of scented socks? there is scented socks?45. Would you do anything for anyone? not anyone..I'm not a slut/prostitute!!
46. Has anyone ever called you a hypocrit? Yes.
47. When was the last time you made brownies? long time ago

48. Do your parents let you stay home by yourself? yes
49. Do your parents try to be cool? yes -_-
50. Do you have a job? no
51. If so, where do you work?
52. Do you get an allowance? Yes
53. If so, how much money do you get? Umm I dont remember
54. Do you do a lot of things around the house? like what?
55. Do you rent a lot of movies? Yea
56. What is your favorite candy at the movie theater? The good kind <3
57. When was the last time you have gotten a physical? I dunno
58. What sports do you play in the fall? I play football with my cousins...
59. What sports do you play in the winter? cold ones
60. What sports do you play in the spring? I dunno
61. Do you go to sports camps in the summer? no
62. Are you good with your money? pfft
63. Do you try to eat healthy? no
64. How often do sew? like, never
66. Do you like to color? Yesh
67. Are you good at drawing? I can color in the lines :) I can draw SOME things.
68. Are you good at singing? not really. But I do it anyways.
69. Are you a good dancer? ha!
70. Do you ever go to clubs? no
71. Does your school have dances? yes sir
72. What is the most useless thing you own? hand cuffs
73. What is the ugliest clothing you have? I dunno
74. Under what circumstances would you risk your life? for someone I love
75. Have you ever donated a body part or organ for someone you know? no
76. What time did you get up this morning? 7
77. What will you do within the next hour? watch Salad Fingers
78. Do you have a community pool? maybe?
79. Do you have a community golfcourse? what?
80. Is there a beach in your community? I don't know...
81. Have you ever gone outside to pick up trash? no
82. When was the last time you did community service? lol I don't remember
83. Who was the last person you know to have a baby? Lori
84. What did they name the baby? Madeline
85. What college do you want to go to? a good one
86. Do you think you will get any academic scholarships for college? hopefully, but probably not!
87. Do you think you will get any sports scholarships for college? no
88. How short are the skirts you wear? I don't wear skirts often
89. Do you regularly attend a church? no
90. If so, do you usually get something out of it?
91. What is your definition of "cool"? temp lower than normal
92. Is your house more hot or cold? in between
93. What is the most common animal product you eat? meat.
94. Do you enjoy pain? Hmm.
95. What do you do to calm you down when you are scared? listen to music
96. Do you try to motivate yourself when you can't do something? hahaha no. fuck motivation.
97. Who is your protector? Hm?
98. Do you do anything online to put you in danger? no?
99. Has anyone ever thrown rocks up at your window? no =(
100. Have you ever danced with someone in the rain? no
101. What is your favorite pattern? stripes!
102. Who do you think the best role model is? someone
103. What is the worst movie you have ever seen? theres alot
104. Are you an optimist? probably not
105. What words do you live by? I dunno
106. What part of your body usually itches the most? My arm
107. Have you ever failed at something?
108. What is your strongest belief? ???
109. Do you put your money in what you believe in? once again, ??
110. What is the worst thing someone could do? tell people a secret that you told them not to tell. Or you know, try to kill me. Thats pretty bad.
111. Have you ever been on a missionary trip? huh?
112. What is the current ad at the top of your page? nothing! bwahaha
113. What was the last thing you tried to freeze besides food? I dunno
114. What does your shirt have on it? the logo from the three days grace cd thingyyy
115. What is your purpose on the earth?

Posted by punk/xhailofbulletsx at 10:09 PM EST
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I just so happen to love my friends
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: "Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner" - Fall Out Boy
Yes. As I said, I just to happen to love my friends a whole bunch. They are the greatest like, ever. They are so supportive and such. Except, stupid Melissa and Erika were pissing me off today. I don't actually think they are stupid but they were angering me, you know?
Like Melissa knows what happened over the weekend for me, and she was complaining about how bad her weekend was. This is what she said to me (obviously not word for word but you get the point):
She was mad at her boyfriend Roman because he was going to some party and he promised some girls he would stip for them. Melissa didn't want him doing that and she was oh so depressed. She cried the whole fucking weekend.

EEK SUCK IT THE FUCK UP!!! Hes a PERV! And an IDIOT! He is not going to change! Thats just who he is! When Me, Melissa, Roman, and Jenna went to meet Tyler and his friends Josh, Rachel,Koltyn, Colleen and some other people who I can't remember, Roman spent like the whole time making out with Melissa, then going to flirt majorly with Rachel! And Melissa was right there!
She KNOWS he is like that, but she doesn't care. She says she doesn't care but then she fucking complains about how bad HER weekend was. SHE DIDN'T JUST FUCKING HAVE A FRIEND OF HERS DIE!! UUGGHHH

Then during English class, Erika was annoying me. I was writing some more poetry and Erika sat there for atleast 5 minutes clicking her pen. I asked her what she was doing and she said "thinking" and I asked "can't you think QUIETER?!" and she said "nope!" and I said "fuck you" under my breath.
Its just some things she does just gets under my skin. I can't help it. She is always overly happy (I hate overly happy people. They make me feel worse about myself. And they are just annoying) and she is always super hyper. It is sooo annoying. ugh!!

It seems like everybody (well, almost everybody) is annoying me now. Like I just want to trap myself in a room by myself with my music,a computer and TV (and all my movies/dvds of course), and my guitar and I will do just fine. And perhaps a phone. Yes, that would be all. Well, except I would obviously want a bathroom in my bedroom. Like not in my room, but have a door in my room that goes into a bathroom with all my stuff in it. And also I would need food and water. And pop. But you get the point!!

Jessica said I am a whore.
and during guitar class today, me, jess, dan, courtney, jason, and josh were in the seminar room working on our songs while everybody else was researching (final project). Jessica wrote on the board "SAM + DAN = ¢¾¢¾¢¾"
I think Jessica secretly likes him.
On my next blog, it is just going to be a random survey and some random stuff about me, kay.

Posted by punk/xhailofbulletsx at 10:07 PM EST
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Sunday, 15 January 2006
Just some writing!!
Mood:  lyrical
Now Playing: "Don't Fear The Reaper" - HIM
Shooting Stars and Aeroplanes:

The sky never lies,
each day looking up into
the desolent black
wondering if there is anything more
anything more then nothing

Blank is the stare
that gazes to the streaking objects
leading their way across the night sky
shooting stars and aeroplanes
they all look the same to me

Blazing across the night
lighting up the dark
blinking lights or a night light
these thoughts of nothing
keep me wondering

Blank is the stare
(to the night I look)
that gazes to the streaking objects
leading their way across the night sky
shooting stars and aeroplanes
they all look the same to me
(all the same)

Does the night
represent my life?
Are those aeroplanes
stealing away my dreams
and disgusing themselves
as shooting stars, just to get me back
for the problems I have caused

Blank is the stare
(to the night I look)
that gazes to the streaking objects
leading their way across the night sky
shooting stars and aeroplanes
they all look the same to me
(all the same)

Blank is the stare
looking at my life.

(I don't like any of my writing. I think it is horrid)

A Love Story Like Tragedy:

Sitting in the corner,
in my room,
on this night.

Please forgive me now,
this love wont last forever.
Feeling less pain as the cold, blade,
drags across my wrist,
just leave me here, and watch me die.
Don't scream or run, just stand there
wondering why.

A single tear falls down,
your cheek again, on this night.
(let it go)
For where is love when you dont stop,
me from dragging this cold blade across my wrist
(forget me now)

This love story ended in tragedy,
you wanted it this way.
Let it go, this will never end.
A scar that will never heal,
just run away now, let me go,
let me die beautiful, let me die here,
in this room, on this night.

A single tear falls down,
your cheek again, on this night.
(let it go)
For where is love when you dont stop,
me from dragging this cold blade across my wrist
(forget me now)

All Love stories end in tragedy
I thought you knew that,
forget me now,
before I hurt you more,
just walk away,
letting me die,
in this room,

A single tear falls down,
your cheek again, on this night.
(let it go)
For where is love when you dont stop,
me from dragging this cold blade across my wrist
(forget me now)

(crappy, I know)

Okay, this is just some random writing I wrote when I wasn't feeling too happy. Its bad, I know.

Three steps from the ledge, take one last breath, its a long way down. Where he said, where are you going? f**k, he didn't know that this was the last time he was going to see me. One more step, my mind is racing, failed attempts to die made this so much easier. The final step, I'm looking down, tears filled with broken thoughts of him. With her final words, "I'm sorry" Thats all was heard. I'm falling, feeling nothing, the street came, I hit the ground, to wake up in bed, tears of blood ran down my face, another failed attempt. Screams echoed through the building, but noone heard, and there she lie, on the pavement, in her mind.

this is all for now. I will post more later...eventually. whatever.

Posted by punk/xhailofbulletsx at 11:07 PM EST
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Too much!
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: "Gone So Young" - Amber Pacific
There is too much going on in my life. I hate it.
Exams are coming up, and I am afraid of failing. Especially in French and English. Drama and Guitar I am good at so I will hopefully pass those. I am expected to do everything perfectly. People say "Oh but you are so good at french! You will pass it for sure!"
I'm not that good at it!
I find it difficult, and annoying!

Also, in English she forces us to write about certain things. I am no good at writing unless all of it comes from my head. Like, i can sometimes write poetry and songs. But thats only when I feel like it and when I have ideas of my own.

Also, the worst thing ever happened on Wednesday January 11th 2006. My friend Mitchell Plunket died. He got hit by a van after having a snowball fight with some friends. The last song we listened to together was "Silent Scream" by Stutterfly. It was our song, or so he said. here are the lyrics

"Can't take my life, without a fight.
Don't kill my soul you have no right.

I feel the pain inside.
I see the tears in your eyes.
I want to see the light.
Mother I'll say good night.

You stole my life, ripped my body apart.

A silent scream from my lungs
You stopped my beating heart.

I feel the pain inside.
I see the tears in your eyes.
I want to see the light.
Mother I'll say good night.

Please let me choose if I want to live.
I was alive, i had no choice.
I cried out loud, no one heard my voice.
I felt all the pain inside,
I saw the tears in your eyes.
I wanted to see the light.
Mother I'll say goodbye."

Ever since I have been hearing that song a lot lately. He was one of the greatest people I knew. He would always cheer somebody up when they were sad, even if he was sad too. He always told people to chase their dreams and never give up. The last thing he said to me was " No matter how hard life gets, never give up"
I will never forget those words.
He meant so much to me, and many others.
In my opinion he died to soon.
He will always be in my heart.
I always thought he'd be around forever....

RIP Mitch
I love you sooo much
and everybody misses you

Posted by punk/xhailofbulletsx at 9:45 PM EST
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