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South Texas Hardcore!

So we weren't together very long and really did'nt play a lot of shows but it was fun and I'd do it again.

Also anyone with audio or visual documentation of Twelve Blades let me know please!

The band consisted of

me(Chris)screaming my butt offand writing lyrics

Bob on Bass duties and did lyrics on the single song ever released officially(on There is a Light comp. cdOOP)

Lauren played guitar (amazing I might add).

Other members of the band were equally important butmore fluid in being with us.Billy was our first drummer and also played on our recording,Will did the other shows.We also had a fella named Francisco on the skins for a while at the end but we dissolved before any shows or recordings could be done...

Andrea played rhythem guitar in the beginning,but wasn't as into it as us,she still went to most of the shows though and there was never a bad feeling.Jeff(second vocalist) left due to"creative differences"


Yeah we played some shows,I'm fuzzy with memories but heres a few names of "bands we played with"

first show,Halloween 96.T-tauri,others I cannot remember@Fonde Comm Center in Houston.Strychnine@Fonde.Society Of Friends,Beast,Brick,Caliote Malay@Fonde,Yankee Wuss@Jasmine Hall Lake Jackson Tx(home turf).Spazz,Gun,Valedictorian,+ a lot more @Wade Rd. Skate Park in Baytown,Tx...

We played with a few other great bands(Sore Loser,No Reply and more) Im just unsure of the order and what other shows we actually played or what we were SUPPOSED to play(we even got told we could play with BB King!@a benefit type concert in Houston!)


We actually cared about lyrics and did the whole Lyric sheets thing("Oh thats so 1996")because our set was about a 7 minute blur...

As I get a little more time I may put some lyrics and ideas up here.

songs:rancidmeat,bomb threat,handicappedparkingspaces,Chico Mendez,Impure,American Justice,The String(instrumental),Shame,Masada,I believe we never did the last 2 songs live nor recorded them so they have gone back to the air

Bob also made sure I mention "Dead"which was a one time project the core of us(Me,Lauren and Bob)did at a show.Twelve Blades was pegged to play at a cheesy skateshop in LJ when we were having drummer problems so teh 3 of us went ahead and played sans drummer and played as a chaotic expierimental noise unit,which turned out very well upon listening to teh recording that was made.It featured Bob and Lauren on Bass and Guitar and me running a distorted microphone screaming as well as a collage of sounds from a cassette player which was demolished.There were also mystery sounds which we couldn't place that just appeared!


Chris(Me)living in Austin and working

Bob-living in Lake Jackson,music projects=Staytherelass... and Council Of Trent(which is quite good,weird!write Bob 'bout it)

Lauren=School in Houston,Guitar in No Reply,got Married to Eric from No Reply in a beautiful cerimony on December 28in Houston.Congratulations!

Billy lives near Houston I believe,(He had a band with Jeff and Jay from UNFO,The Sophie May story)I saw him a few weeks ago...

Andrea is still around Lake Jackson and going to school.

Jeff is a raver now and I know little more.

Will and Francisco apparently live around Lake Jackson but I don't have a lot of news about them,they both have various musical projects...

the pic to the side is BEAST an awesome mystery band we had the pleasure of playing shows with,I think they may still play a show every once in a while if you are lucky,they even have something out(new Beast 7"out?!Check the links page for Dosei Jidai)...

mail chris

mail Bob