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Hey! Poopheads of the World unite!

E-Mail me at and I could hook you up with any one of these dead sexy guys above!

The Fat Guy Poll
Who is the hottest fat guy on this page?

the guy in yellow smiling
the guy in pink touching his belly
the guy in blue touching his chest
the guy in red pointing to his belly button
the guy in green looking down his pants

link anchor
Joshs Gay Band Poll
Which band sucks the most?

Britney Spears
Backstreet Boys
Ricky Martin
Spice Girls

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The Poop Arcade! Poop ChatClick on the cute game below! [an error occurred while processing this directive] To play more games click on one of the games links below more! Remember these fun facts... 1. You Suck! 2. I Suck! 3. We all Suck!

If your ugly go here!

More poop arcade
even more poop arcade
yet more poop arcade
still more poop arcade
the last of the poop arcade
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An Ugly Page and more links
YourButt OnLine
Jons Page Click for skate/hardcore pics
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My Favorite things about pooping!