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Gwen's In-Game Information(I haven't switched it over to the new toon for her yet, she used to be known as Neglected

Real Name: Gwenadyne Fuer (It's pronounced gwen-a-deen)
Hometown: Eastgate
Date of Birth: 10/31/1979 12:00 AM

The following is a written transcript of the audio tape found in the player of the counselor's body:

"Patient Gwenadyne Fuer, Session 2, Dr. Clyve... Gwen started talking again yesterday. Our initial session was... interesting. She seems unsure of where she is or what she has done, I'm going to try to bring those memories to her conscious mind today..." *door opens and shuts*

C-"Gwen?"*5 seconds pass*"Gwenadyne, are you here today?"


C-"Rather smug today, aren't we?"

G-"I'm allowed to be smug, you're keeping me prisoner."

C-"We aren't keeping you prisoner here Gwen. You are here at the Paragon Institute for Behavioral Health for your own good."

G-"I'm here against my will, so you're keeping me prisoner."

C-"Gwen, do you know why you're here?"

G-"I remember Wendy bringing me."

C-"That's a start, Wendy did bring you to us... Do you know why though?"

G-"Because she's a bitch."

C-"That may be, I confess that I don't know your sister as you do, but you are here for a real reason. You need help."

G-"You're not going to be able to help me, Doctor. I want to speak to my mother."

C-"That's not possible now, Gwen."

G-"Why the bloody hell not?"

C-"Do you remember that your mother was chosen to accompany Omega Team?" *silence for 20 seconds then soft sobbing* "Gwen? You remember?"

G-"Y-yes... Why am I here then? Let me get revenge!"

C-"We can't let you do that, Gwen. You're not ready, we still have things to work on. Do you remember what happened next? After you heard the news of Omega Team's fate..."

*the sobs become heavier*

G-"I don't want to, I don't want to, I don't want to, I didn't, it wasn't my fault, it was too much, I didn't, I didn't want to"

*a call button sounds* C-"Security to room 357 now, please"

G-"I DIDN'T WANT TO! I COULDN'T CONTROL! I DI-"*the recording ends with a loud hiss*

Un: I know, it this was a real transcript it would've probably taken a lot longer for Gwen to get upset. Quacks like to take their time. So pretend. The thing i wanted to get across here is the instabilty of Gwen's mind. She can't handle what she has done, and reverts to her destructive state when she loses control of her emotions. Being schizophrenic and manic deppresive, this happens an awful lot.

Her first costume is unavailable at this time, sorry.
