The TWOST Quiz


Most disturbing image:

A) Satan
B) Death
C) Mimi Rogers

A) B) C)

Sexiest dessert containing a dairy or faux-dairy product:

A) French Silk Pie
B) Strawberries and Whipped Cream
C) Nonfat Tofutti Rice Dreamsicle

A) B) C)

Ideal item to fall from the sky:

A) Rain
B) Toads
C) Sleeping Bags

A) B) C)

Beverage you'd most like to see in Scully's refrigerator:

A) Ginger Ale
B) Cranberry Juice
C) Iced Tea

A) B) C)

Favorite sport to daydream about:

A) Ice Fishing
B) Curling
C) Baseball

A) B) C)


1. The thing I remember most from Home was:

A) "Meanwhile I've quit the FBI and became a spokesperson for the Ab Roller."
B) Sheriff Andy Taylor and his deputy, Barney.
C) Mulder rubbing Scully's back outside the police station.

A) B) C)

1. The thing I remember most from Our Town was:

A) Some people like to eat people.
B) Dead chicken parts are ugly.
C) Mulder gently moving Scully's hair away from her eyes.

A) B) C)

1. The thing I remember most from Pusher was:

A) Cerulean is like a gentle breeze.
B) I wonder what I could make people do if I had a brain tumor...
C) The look Mulder and Scully exchange as he hands her his gun.

A) B) C)

1. The thing I remember most from Squeeze was:

A) Scully saying "ass".
B) Mulder touching bile.
C) Mulder untangling Scully's necklace

A) B) C)

1. The thing I remember most from Fight the Future was:

A) Corn + bees = pure evil.
B) Tires can squeal on dirt.
C) Mulder saw Scully naked.

A) B) C)

Results: If you answered C to all of these questions, you're TWOST material. If, at any time in the quiz, you considered A or B, that's nothing but wrong. Sure, Satan gets a bad rap, but after One Son, the fiery depths of Hell don't sound THAT bad.