Ice: The Missing Scene

By: Shipper Numero Dos

SCULLY has just checked Mulder's back for the parasite, and he is finishing checking her.

SCULLY leaves to go tell the others that MULDER is not infected.

MULDER: Wait, Scully.

SCULLY: Hmmm...?

MULDER: While no one else is in here, we could...well...ummm...

SCULLY: Check out each other's bods?

MULDER: Exactly! Sounds good to me. The last time I gotta check you out was in the Pilot...but now you'd never do that again. You were a greenie back then.

SCULLY: Sure, why not? I hear Carter may not even script us to kiss for almost seven years! There will be some near-kisses, but they'll end up getting cut. We almost will in Memento Mori when I find out I'm diagnosed with cancer, and in Post-Modern Prometheus. We're shown in black and white. Very good camera work. But Mulder, it's gonna be big. It'll all lead up to two words: The Millennium.

MULDER: Let's get it on, G-Woman.

The camera fades out to a commercial break. We all know what they're doing during commercials anyway...use your imagination :)


Millennium * Amor Fati * Squeeze * One Son * Redux II