www.punktuation.cjb.net - interview w/ the red light sting
*** *** ***www.punktuation.cjb.net - interview w/the red light sting*** *** ***

Punktuation-What's the name of your band?
Andy-The Red Light Sting
Gregory-Dookie Blast Summer
P-What is the meaning behind that name?
A-No meaning, really.
G-I think it's pretty self-explanatory.
P-Who are the rockstars behind The Sting and what does each play?
A-Paul plays drums, Zoe plays keys, Matt plays bass, Greg plays the voice, and I play guitar.
G-John Popper and the rest of Blues Traveler are behind a curtain playing the music...we're just a bunch of models.
P-Band! boom! crash! goes the drums, Paul.
P-Do you guys ever wrestle each other or argue or have sword fights?
G-Zoë is anatomically incapable of being in a sword fight.
P-Where do you guys live and how does it compare to the rest of the world?
G-Vancouver is a beautiful city, except for one street corner that has the highest ratio of heroin addicts and aids victims in North America.
P-We preside in several parts of Vancouver, B.C. it's much smaller then the rest of the world.
P-How did the idea of starting this project come about?
G-Andy, Matt, and I wanted to be in a more aggressive band...Zoe and Paul joined after other people we talked to bailed.
P-We wanted to start a band that we could confuse with our bedlam of disjointed lunacy.
P-What has your guys' history been up until the present day?
G-Started conceptually early summer '99, rawked hard ever since..
P-What have been some of the funnest moments during that time?
G-48 hours of incorporating the words "dookie" and "blast" into every sentence spoken.
P-When Greg let his love out.
A-Did somebody say something about rear entry at the boom boom room?
P-Have any of you been in any previous bands or is anyone currently rockin' the mic on the side?
G-We've all been in bands started before and after this band, some more high profile, and at times were more in the forefront than this band.
A-Me and Paul where in Lord Krang and the Rock Soldiers.
P-How do those projects compare with The Sting?
G-None of them are/were as tough as us.
P-We rock out in a vertigo of disorientation.
A-Well, we don't have paper mache costumes like Lord Krang and the Rock Soldiers.
P-Is there a sadness with the coming of end of d.b.s.?
G-When did Death By Stereo break up?
P-Yes, but I push it deep down inside and let it come out later as BURNING RAGE.
A-No sadness. If it was going to be sad, we wouldn't have done it.
P-What is The Red Light Sting discography?
G-Split LP w/Hot Hot Heat (Ache Records), 12" EP (Sound Virus)
P-Disco sucks!
P-If The Red Light Sting was an insect which one would that be and why?
G-Insects are too hip....I think we're more like an igloo.
P-Dung beetle...tastes like poop.
A-Yeah, a dookie beetle
P-How would you guys describe your sound to a prehistoric caveman?
G-Music make you bash club on skull.
P-I don't know but Greg would describe it "rock n rock."
A-Hmmm that's tough. I'd tell him we sounded like Lord Krang and the Rock Soldiers, but with less paper mache.
P-How would you describe it to someone who's ROCK?
G-None of us wear leather or have our hair dyed black...sorry.
P-Who is rock?
A-You lost me.
P-What are the issues discussed in the lyrics and who writes them?
G-Greg writes them. He'd rather not discuss the issues...as there are none.
P-Greg writes about seduction and submission.
P-If you guys could go anywhere in the world (or out of this world) to play a show where would that be?
G-A jampacked basement show in the middle of nowhere.
A-Yeah I think I'd definately love to go to Japan.
P-Who are your guys' influences/favorite bands?
G-Morrissey and Iron Maiden.
P-Hot Hot Heat, The Blood Brothers, No Means No, Camera Obscura.
A-Influences for this band? Devo, The Blood Brothers, The Rapture, but my favourite bands these days are Joan Of Arc, Autechre, Mouse on Mars.
P-Which bands do you suggest we check out?
G-Carry On, The Blood Brothers, Hot Hot Heat, and The Def Poets Society
P-Apocalyptica, Fantomas, The Olivia Tremor Control, engine*kid, Frank Zappa, Neurosis, Autechure, Senior Coconut, The Sugarcubes.
A-Def Poets and Radio Berlin
P-What is the Red Light plan to take over the world?
G-We're going to give everyone but us migraines.
A-We're going to get monsters to come out of our records and eat your fathers... like in Black Roses.
P-If one were to see you guys live what can they expect and what should they do to prepare?
G-Matt Barber is not liable for the teeth you have lost.
P-Step right up and get thworted by Matt's involutional melancholia.
A-Loud noises and Matt Barber head butting you.
P-Any weird spiritual traditions, sacrifices or rituals you guys perform at or before rocking a set?
P-What are your guys' long term plans and what can we expect from you guys in the future?
G-More music.
P-More songs in the forms of shows and recordings.
A-We will be practicing a lot and writing songs. Possibly touring the West Coast and western Canada in the summer.
P-Do you have any lasting words, comments, concerns, or quotes for us to etch into our brains?
G-Dook on!
P-All hail the Gamecube masta!
A-When in Rome, collect the bone.

To contact The Red Light Sting write to:
The Red Light Sting
PO Box 138 1001 W.Broadway #101
Vancouver, BC
V6H 4E4

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