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Help end poverty, eat the poor
Boldly going nowhere
Tattoos: The body is god's temple. It's up to us to wallpaper it.
They say I have the body of a god...who is this Buddah guy anyway?
Religions are just large cults
Get a tase of religion, bite a priest
Never trust a priest with a hard-on
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely cerimonial
Eve was framed
Have you nailed your Messiah lately?
A waist is a terrible thing to mind
My body is in shape...a circle is a shape!
I'm in no shape to exercise
To save time, let's just assume I know everything
If it weren't for boys, I'd quit school
It's as bad as you think, and yes, they are out to get you
Save a tree, wipe your ass with an owl
Have a day
Have a nice day...somewhere else
If I throw a stick, will you leave?
Used up all my sick days, so now I'm calling in dead
If men are smarter than women, why do they tie small nooses around their necks before going to work every day?
I like cats, they taste like chicken
Cat, the other white meat
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you
Home honey, I'm high
I said no to drugs, but they wouldn't listen
I'm not as think as I drunk you am, ociffer
There's too much blood in my alcohol system
Nice face! What are you going to do when the baboon wants his butt back?
My karma ran over your dogma
I didn't lose the keys this time, I lost the whole damn car
Is there life after death? Fuck with my car and you'll find out
You toucha my keys, I breaka you face
So many boys, such little minds
Don't make me kill you
Read all warnings and cautions on this label: improper use could result in serious bodily injury
It's only funny until someone gets hurt...then it's hilarous!
I only look sweet and innocent
If you can't say something funny about someone, don't say anything at all
I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works!
Did you eat a bowl of stupid for breakfast?
Try not to let your mind wander, it's much too small to be outside by itself
We're all here because we're not all there
Someone pissed in your gene pool
Discourage country music, stop inbreeding
Don't interrupt me while I am talking to myself
I live in my own little world, but it's ok, they know me here
My imaginary friend thinks you have mental problems
People like you are the reason people like me need medication
There's one in every crowd, and I'm it
I may not be mentally sound, but at least I don't sound mental
I smile because I have no idea what's going on
I was the guinea pig for those experiments
Be quiet brain, or I'll stab you with a q-tip!
Out of my mind, back in five minutes
Do not disturb, I'm disturbed enough already
Chaos, panic and disorder ... my work here is done
Allergic to sunlight
Let us prey
Never trust anything that bleeds for 3-5 days and doesn't die
Sorry, I don't do nice
Keep watching, I might do a trick
You've been a naughty boy, go to my room
One of us is thinking about sex...Ok, it's me
Overworked and underlaid
Lead me not unto tempation...I can find it myself
Bite me...Literally
Are the handcuffs too tight? Yes? Good!
I take a little pain with my pleasure
Spank me
Been there, fuck that
Torn between the good girl/bad girl thing
Boys are great, every girl should own one
Will buy drinks for sex
I'm not playing with myself, I'm just adjusting my jewelry
You address me as mistress, or you don't undress me at all
Slave wanted: No experiance neccesary, willing to train

This page is made for my best friends...