These people are so smart they have decided to award me for 
being the wacko that I am.  You don't all hate me!

My first award, and from such a highly regarded
website!  I'm really shocked!!

Venus Envy's glowing review-
"I looooove Spiffy Angel Bitch! Absolutely adore it! It is tasteful, 
it has  great content and best of all..... black background! 
You are on your way to being an Online Goddess.... Oh wait. You're 
already there. *smilez*"

I'm so moved, I think I might cry!!

This award just says it all, doesn't it?

Aww, a fairy.  How cute!

Yeah, I do kick ass, don't I... Oops!  sorry about
that little slip of conceitedness.  (Is that a word?)