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RECORD – Since Return
+ Won: 2

+ Drawn: 0

+ Lost: 0

+ Height: 6’1”

+ Weight: 177 lbs

+ Finisher: The Flair Factor

+ Signature Move: The Phoenix Rising

+Hometown: Charlotte, NC

+ Name: Shev

+ AIM: IXWFLittleNaitch

+ MSN:

+ Email:

+ Homepage

¦ - + Phoenix Rising : David Flair + - ¦

………………... …..IT’S THE WAY YOU LAND

*David lay on his couch, staring at the ceiling throwing a rubber ball he had found up into the air and catching it over and over again in a slow monotonous pattern. He and Stephanie had talked about Vince, and like Shane had said, she always knew to be careful of him. Although it seemed they should band together to fend off the outside forces of people like Vince McMahon, David and Stephanie were still stuck in the same rut. He had no definite answer as to whether she was going to let him be around her, and although he had agreed to give her time, it was kind of starting to get to him. He was also feeling an incredible loneliness. He had barely talked to any of his fellow Horsemen for a few days; none of them even knew about Stephanie’s pregnancy except for Hunter, and not one person in the world knew about his developing sleeping pill addiction and mild alcoholism. Breaking his tedious cycle, there was a knock at the door. David let the ball land with a small thud on his chest, and it rolled away under an armchair. Then he got up and made his way to the front door. Montanna had needed to get out of her own place. She was the odd woman out again since Cannon had JoEllen over a lot of the time. She hadn't seen David since that day she had noticed him in Minneapolis, but had been unable to get to him. She had talked to him on the phone a couple of times, but nothing was really said. She sensed some things were up by the tone of his voice. So there she was standing at his front door, awaiting him to answer. She looked cute in small frame in some faded blue jeans that had holes on the knees, a black belt with studded skulls on it.. A vintage sex pistols shirt, and a black trucker cap with her red hair down accenting her face nicely. When David answered the door and saw her there he smiled a small but genuine smile.*

David Flair: Well look at this, I do have friends after all. *Was that a joke? He hadn't been good humoured in a while* Come on in.

Montanna Bischoff: *walking inside…they both went into the living room* Of course you have friends... Are you gonna leave me hanging Flair, no hugs for your girl? *She smiled*

David Flair: My girl, huh? *he gave her a hug* That’s very cute… just don't let Steph hear you say it. *he broke off the hug* It's been so long.

Montanna Bischoff: *she hugged him back* I know...Since you've been home, I've wanted to make a trip out here to see you, but I figured, you know… Steph might not like that. So I called you instead. You know David, after talking to you on the phone, and seeing you here and now, it confirms my suspicions.. You aren't yourself. What’s wrong?

David Flair: You have suspicions about me?

Montanna Bischoff: Just that something isn't right. You don't seem like the David I knew before you went on Hiatus..

David Flair: That was kinda the point... *he sighed* ...But I get what you mean, I've been acting kinda depressed lately...I just have a lot to worry about. And certain outside forces aren't making things any easier on me.

Montanna Bischoff: Well you know you can always talk to me. Things always stay between just us. *She gave him a concerned look and hugged him again* You know you can talk to me…

David Flair: *he hugged her back for a moment then looked at her* Do you promise this will go no further? It's kinda a big deal... Not even my dad knows this yet.

Montanna Bischoff: It’ll be between you and me.. Nobody else… You can trust me, you know that.

David Flair: I know, it’s just… I have no idea how to say this. But Steph is... *he messed with his hair the way he always did when he was on edge* Well...*he sighed* ...She's pregnant.

Montanna Bischoff: *She tilted her head slightly looking at him with her bright blue eyes* Pregnant?

David Flair: Yup, pregnant...As in having a baby. Not pregnant as in gonna get an abortion pregnant...Going through with it pregnant.

Montanna Bischoff: Whoa.. That’s… really big news David. Wow, is this good or bad?

David Flair: It's...I don't know. If she weren't being so...*he seemed to be searching for the right word* …guarded, it would be good. But she doesn't want me involved right now. And not just that she doesn't want us to be together...she doesn't even want us to be friends. Not to mention her dad is an absolute fucking prick, and he's making this whole thing harder on everyone.

Montanna Bischoff: Oh I know exactly how Vince is. Maybe not to the extremes you do, but my dad worked for him. I heard some of the conversations they've had. I'm sorry this isn't going better for you David. This is supposed to be an exciting time in someone's life.

David Flair: Exciting...isn't really the right word for this. If getting Steph to trust me with this was all I had to worry about I'd probably be good to go, but getting the hell beat out of me by a three hundred pound bodyguard and having my family threatened is just... it's crazy. And I have Wrestlemania…the biggest show of the year coming up and I’m in no real shape to compete... I can never sleep anymore. How am I supposed to fix anything when I have so much to worry about?

Montanna Bischoff: Man David, Thats terrible. I wish there was something I could do to ease your stress.. I just don't know. I know you love Stephanie. I've never seen the good side of her, like you have. I don't know its just something about that whole family. They are bullies.

David Flair: They're bullies that I'm going to be attached to for the rest of my life...assuming Vince McMahon doesn't try to murder my unborn child, which I wouldn't even put past him. The last thing he wants is for Steph to have the baby... and I think... *he paused* ...I'm gonna have to move up there.

Montanna Bischoff: Vince McMahon is evil, very evil. David, you know my feelings about Stephanie, but you've gotta do whatever it takes to make sure the baby is unharmed. I'm your friend, I love you, I want you to do what you need to do to keep Stephanie and your child safe…Man this makes my dad seem like an angel.

David Flair: Compared to Vince McMahon your dad is a freaking Saint, and coming from someone who hates him as much as I do, that's saying something. It's just... I always pictured finding out I'm having a baby and being so unbelievably happy... but with things the way they are...happy is like the farthest emotion from my mind right now. I can barely even have a conversation with the mother of my child. How screwed up is that?

Montanna Bischoff: That’s pretty screwed up. David I want you to be happy, and they shouldn't be taking this away from you.. Stephanie is a McMahon, I'm sure she's spent her whole life being brainwashed by Vince and Shane.

David Flair: Yeah and for a while I thought I had broken through that... but I screwed things up pretty bad when I ran away...not just with Steph either. I hurt too many people who care about me. It's just with everybody else I was able to make them understand that my leaving didn't change my feelings for them. Steph doesn't even trust that I love her anymore.

Montanna Bischoff: David she is crazy then.. She seeks attention, she wants your attention and she wants it all the time. I mean that’s great, but a little bit goes too far.. If she can't understand that you needed to go away and find yourself, do some soul searching, away from everyone, she doesn't know you very well. I want you to be happy, and I know Steph makes you happy, but I know she also makes you Miserable.. You've got to weigh the options…

David Flair: I know you don't see the things in her that I do...but she's a great person really. For some reason she just feels like she needs to keep that hidden in order to prevent people from hurting her... I miss her, Tanna… even though she's been so hard on me lately, I just miss her. And even if I didn't love her as much as I do, I can't walk away from my child.

Montanna Bischoff: And you shouldn't be expected to just walk away. Most women would kill for their man to be apart of their pregnancy and be there when the child is born. It’s hard to find a guy like you David. You are one of a kind.

David Flair: So are you... *he smiled sadly at her* ...I missed you. You're a great friend. I need that right now...and I'm sorry for burdening you with my problems, I just...haven't been able to talk about this to anyone else. They're all neck-deep in their own issues.

Montanna Bischoff: I'm always here for you David. I've missed you too.. I just wish I had all the answers...*she hugged him tight again and kissed him on the cheek*

David Flair: *he hugged her back* You've got more answers than either Hunter or Megan could give me...hell you have more answers than me. And just talking to you...just being able to get the words out there, it makes me feel better. Thanks.

Montanna Bischoff: You’re always welcome… and I know it doesn't solve your problems, but you can always talk to me David.. About anything.. I don't judge you..

David Flair: I know...and that's why I love you so much. You're one of my best friends in the world, and I really appreciate that right now. *he smiled at her* I'm really tired of just sitting here and bitching about myself though. Do you want to do something? You can stay here and hang out for a while...I havent had much company lately. Plus Megan bought me Alias Season 4 on DVD for my birthday, and I still haven't had a chance to watch the damn thing. An afternoon in front of the TV with an old friend sounds like heaven right now.

Montanna: I think that sounds like a great idea. We need to order pizza, like olds times.

David Flair: Pepperoni?

Montanna Bischoff: You know it. *She smiled* David Flair: *he smiled back at her* Then I’ll get the phone.

Montanna Bischoff: And I’ll get the DVD set up. You sure you don’t want to talk some more?

David Flair: I think I’m ok…everything you’ve said to me has been helpful. Just you being here is helpful. Whatever conversation I need to have, it needs to occur with Steph. We need to find a way to figure things out. But for right now I just want some escapism.

Montanna Bischoff: Escapism, huh? I’m pretty sure myself and Miss Sydney Bristow can provide you with that.

David Flair: Well if they can’t, then nothing can. *he smiled*

*Montanna just laughed a little and put the disk into the DVD Player. Within moments she and David were cosied-up on his couch and for a little while, the real world had faded away.*


+ Thanks Chrissy for your help on this. Love you.

+ Hardcore Champion x3

+ 2006 Royal Rumble Runner-Up

+ Stable: The 4 Horsemen

+Blood Relatives: Ric Flair, Megan Flair

+Friends: Sting, HHH

+Dating: No-one

+Manager: No-one

+Entrance Music: Just Like You by 3 days Grace

+ Christian

+ Taz