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Brett James Cade

(Brett) (Megan on Right) (Megan On Right) (Nicole) (Michelle) (Matt)

On Thursday February 2nd, 2006 our dearest friend Brett has gone to be with tha father our lord. Brett was severely beatin in a gang up outside of his work place, when someone finally got there to pick him up he was pretty weak. Shortly after on tha way to tha hospital Brett and some friends were in a head collision with a tractor trailer and brett and a few others in the vehicle were ejected from the vehicle... brett was taken to robert packer hospital in sayre pennsylvania where he had died shortly after. Brett is survived by his foster parents Jenn and Steve Reading, his brothers travis and cory, his foster brothers and sisters of many, his best friends Megan, Nicole and Shannon. And many foster aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents... Services for brett will be held on monday february 6th, at JR Taylor Funeral Home, viewings at 8am and closing service is at 9am... It will be a closed casket service after 8am... Brett will be greatly missed by many.

Verse 1
Shining down on us from the heavens above, there lies a prince who was once so convinced, he left memories in our hearts, light on our paths, advice in our hands and a life full of love and adventures, those nights never fading he’s forever with us....

Chorus 1

Heavens above, ocean waves splashing, he’s looking down on me, cant forget the angel who blessed me that night, in our hearts he’s a hero, the hero in us.

Verse 2

I remember them nights and all the times we spent down by the ocean side, the night of an all night strike, forever your with me, brother of a prisoner, brother of a broken road he lived his life like Elton john's candle in the wind.

Chorus 2

Oh Brett angel of mine, the one who has always been, oh brother who has always been, far too many nights in darkness not knowing what to expect, you were always there brother of mine, one who has always been, I just can’t see I feel so blind, can you take this pain, come back once more and just let me see the smile oh angel of mine, brother who has always been, I miss you, I miss you, just can’t oh I can’t say it, its so permanent and brother of mine, just once more let me see you smile.

Repeat Chorus 1 (2x)

Heavens above, ocean waves splashing, he’s looking down on me, cant forget the angel who blessed me that night, in our hearts he’s a hero, the hero in us.

From Megan Butler
Brett James Cade - I LOVE YOU with all that i am... you are my everything.... i miss you so much and im sorry for everything.. mainly for not tellin you how much i loved you...
even though ur not here im still gonna say it I love You Brett more than You'll Ever know~! i love you sooo much baby.. i wish i was wit u.. that day will come someday soon.

From Jamie Allan
Brett you were an all around great guy with a totally awesome personality even though at times you loved to scare everyone by saying you were goin to committ suicide but you never did, and i never thought the day would come when i would hear over the radio that you were killed in a head on collision. I never thought that we would lose you so soon, you were a great friend, and someone to look upto. The rest of my days without your presents will be rough but im living for both of us now. So i hope you rest peacefully in tha heavens above. Here Lays The Prince!

From Kelly Jo Rigdon
Brett I know we really didnt have much to do with each other through our lives til just about a couple of years ago, we had got closer and started talking more and i got to where you were the only person id tell everything too, im not sure who the next person will be but i know they will never understand as much as you did. No one or anyone could ever take your place, you are the best older brother any girl could have. I just wish you knew how much everyone loves you and is goin to miss you. i love you bro

From Matthew Jacksonburg
Brett you were the bestest friend a guy could want. You were always there for everyone, you always cared so much even if it had nothin to do with you. You were the guy who had to be involved the one who could make everyone smile and laugh and cry and just make a bad day seem the best it could ever be. Nothing could ever replace our memories, our dreams, our childhood or our secrets. There couldnt be a more tragic day in my human life of society that could be any worst than hearing that you my best friend brett james cade has passed on. To hear them words it just kills me deeply, burns like a torch and tears me to shreds because i know that the one person who was always there for me is never coming home. i miss u man!

From Stephanie Synowsky (You're In Heaven)
Oh i know its hard to believe that you're gone forever in heaven but you're in a better place you are now an angel you are here with me at this very moment so i say hey im writing this song for you a song with a special meaning you're in heaven your up there looking down at us everyday as we pray for you


I remember back in the days when we used to have late night phone calls i honestly remember your voice you'd always call me right after work but now its not happenin cause your in heaven your up there with God and everyone else we know that you're with us forever you are gone forever but always in my heart forever nothing can fade our memories.

now i realize that you are my angel you will be forever with me knowin what im going through you're in heaven which its a better place.


I wish it wasn't you that got in the car accident i wish you were still alive its insanei wish you knew i loved you i know that someday ill meet you once again where you are you're in heaven.

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