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It's says in the Bible that we all are sinners and have come short of the glory of God. Now you are wondering way did he take up his wegpage space for this now to got to the main main page go to Well here is a story there was a man who had everything money cars you name it he had it. there was a friend of his who hounded him to go to church with him so after a long time he did. When he did He didn't go up and receive Jesus as his savior. when he left they both died. Now you see they were frineds since they were little and promised never to leave the other behind. So when they were in heaven the rich one couldn't go there because of there sin. God told him"if you only asked Jesus into your heart you would have been saved. so they were departed for ever and the rich one went to hell. As he was there he saw his friend. The asked for water but he couldn't bring it to him because where he was. the rich man was in torment the rest of his life for not saying and meaning a simple prayer. Now don't regret it forever. Ask Jesus into your heart by praying "Jesus forgive me I know I'm a sinner and send your holy Spirit to guide me day by day in Jesus name Amen." if you need help email E-MAIL they'll send you some literature to help you