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The World through my eyes and those I have the upmost respect for!

January 2, 2006 - Present

March 16, 2006
Happy Late Birthday Jordana! Mwa! I LUV U!!!! Okay... So ya... updates=1, so much for progress. But ya, anywho, so what? But ya I'm home for a little while longer, so I'll TRY, t-r-y, to update at least some. I'll work on some Anime reviews, since thats wut my holiday has looked like so far. (I'm home for Spring Break)

Jan. 17th, 06
Okay, this is my first post. I do realize that the site has been up and running for a few weeks, but I didn't have time to enter anything before I left to go back to school. So now that I am back at school it will be hard for me to do anything. I am going to try to update at least one page a week until all of the pages have been started...
Right now the only page that has anything on it s the Poetry page via Notes. Sorry, but I haven't gotten around to typing out the poems yet, so at the moment the only version avaliable is the Picture version, sorry. But I will try to update... I promise!!!

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