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Jay Bio

Name: Jay Kellom
Band Job: Vocals, Guitar
Age: 20
Birthday: 8/28/81
years playing guitar: 8
Fav. bands: Strung out, Slick Shoes, Yellow Card,
MxPx, Home Grown, Deftones, Zao, AFI, Anti - Flag,
Craig's Brother, Lifetime, Saves the Day, NoFx,
The Cure, The Stryder, others I'm sure.
Fav. color: Black and Dark Blue
Fav. food: Anything thats in front of me I'll eat
Do you like thunderstorms: Of couorse
What do you do in your spare time: hang out with friends,
sleep, write, tour
Choc or Vanilla: Choc
What do you hate: Hate is a strong word
Why Punk Rawk: Cause its fast and can also be pretty

The Members: Jon Guthrie Paul Moritz