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"the gathering": the last rave at the oakland homebase on december 18, 1999.

outsiderave.jpg (34946 bytes)                                                joephuckarl.jpg (53017 bytes)

nai, sue, joe, kevin outside rave                          joe, phuc, karl 

brosrave.jpg (64635 bytes)                                                brosrave2.jpg (64214 bytes) 

nai, allan, ka, joe, phuc, sue, kevin               kevin, joe, phuc, karl, kel, sue

omiravers.jpg (44665 bytes)                                                oetards.jpg (45523 bytes) 

omicrons : binh, jack, kevin                                       the omicron etards  

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nai, binh, nam(ucb)                                                          ka(ucsc)  and jack

sukanai.jpg (36190 bytes)                                                kaglostix.jpg (37503 bytes)

sue, ka, nai                                                                          ka showin glowstix skills

wendyderave.jpg (44458 bytes)

what a cute couple: wendy and de