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thursday afternoon ornament for Mrs Greer

(May 2007)

a gravy boat
is one piece of crockery, or
'crock of shiiiit' in AmeriKun t
that i don't ever want to talk about
but if i dribble my feelings here
and speak in its place
will you think of it?
or imagine what might be held
in its vaginal, porcelain unimportance?

Can i mention th thing and move on?
or just close up?
end by saying
i hope you never dwell on it
in th kitchin,
alone for a moment.
the sound of a dead room
closing around yore thought
in the gray light of a thursday afternoon.

i'll use yore ridiculous sexualising
of household items
to moisten th silence
thatis this dry paper,

if you do th dishes,
make me a tea
and dust the umbrella,

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