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No Sink News

Heh, people have actually been to this sight. I guess I should put some new news for anyone who wants to read it. The Anti-Socials fell apart, Adam ending up out of the band, picking up bass again, and starting a band with ex-Quatrain friends. After trouble with their first singer, they asked John to sing, and thus the new punk band SOFA KING was born.
Ok... another update is in order, I s'pose, even though no one ever goes to this site. Revelations Coffee House in Seymore, IN has requested another performance of No Sink, but it is doubtful that it'll happen considering No Sink doesn't exist anymore. But, good news for those who like No Sink. Adam and John have now decided to start a new band with friends Mark Bain and Dirk Thompson, going back to an old idea started by Adam and Dirk. This new band is going to be called Anti-Socials and their first concert is planned for the second weekend in Feb. This band features Adam and Dirk on guitar, John on bass, and Mark on drums. The chore of vocals falls on Dirk, Adam, and John. Mostly covors are planned for the first performance, but original songs are being written.

Yeah, I guess it's time to update the news. Recently there was plans of another No Sink show, but plans fell through as the hosting church specifically said "No rock music like was played at RIOT." Enraged by this news, Adam left practice and has sworn off any new Christian performances.
Currently, Adam is working on starting a new band featuring ex-Quatrain drummer and guitarist, and adding in new bassist/vocalist Kelly Hussung and vocalist Jake Drake.
John is begining to re-learn how to play bass, and it is quite possible that he might start a band in the imediate future, but no plans are of yet official.

Yeah... well... As of right now, there are no future plans of No Sink ever playing again. There has been questions of No Sink playing again at the next Riot, but that is doubtful. Recently Adam filled in as bass player in the band Quatrain, and played two shows with them. Currently, he is working on starting a band with Dirk Thompson, with Dirk playing rythm guitar. It is possible that ex-No Sink drummer Mark Bain will join, along with the John playing bass.

No Sink is about to start practicing more, and more songs are being written. The next performance is uncertain, but there will be another one sometime. It is also possible that a better recording will be made, but that is yet to be decided.

Last Saturday (the 8th of April) No Sink recorded their first demo (a ghetto recording, in all actuality), which inclued six tracks, three of which were actually taken halfway serious. These included Suburban Decay, Jewn, and Friday Nite. That night they played at the Revelations Cafe in Seymore, Indiana, opening for the band Blane, whose front man Chris Nokes helped with the recording. Lots of thanks go out to Chris and the rest of Blane.

No Sink is practicing hard. They now have five songs that they're working hard on, and many more are to be added throughout this week. Additional drummer Mark Bain has been added to help out Pete, and to possibly play on some songs.

The first live performance was... odd, to say the least. They had to audition Sunday night to get the spot open on that Thursday. After a couple of practices, they got their rendition of Take On Me, which is really just a cover of MxPx covering A-Ha to where they all felt that it was good. The next week was hectic, leaving no chance for them to practice until Wednesday night.
They sucked.
Then Thursday came. Adam borrowed a friends wireless guitar system so he could play from the aisle in the church. Unfortunatly, it was a piece of crap. It took him half an hour (and a lot of yelling at Pete to shut up over the mic) to fix it so it wouldn't fade out. But, he was confident that things would go well, provided Chris (who wasn't there to practice, but at football practice instead) could do as good as he did Sunday night.
Finally the moment arrived, and John gave a little speech. As the song started, Adam's wireless faded out. The intro lick was barely audible. "Sound guy" Jason Bratcher came and tried to help out, but Adam finally got mad and just hit the belt pack of the wireless. It then cut back in, right in time for his guitar to come through in the secong chorus, and for him to play the solo that came next. The rest of the song went off without a hitch (more or less), and ended with mixed reactions from the croud.