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Liberal Animation: Animal Liberation

Freedumb: freedom

Piece: Peace (fight for peace, but wheres the war)

Mike Rakhabit (his name on SM airlines): My crack habit

Day to daze: day to days

Five feet under: As opposed to 6 feet under; the guy in the song is almost dead.

Professional Crastination: Like Pro. (abbreviation) Crastination or procrastination

You drink, you drive, you spill: Spill, as opposed to kill.

Scream for change: Change in the money sense, not the social change

El Lay: LA......the town.

Gonoherpasyphlaids: Gonnoreah, herpes, syphilis, and aids all in one.

Seymour Butts (drummer on longest line): See more butts.

Soul Doubt: sold out

the brews: as in hebrews, right?

Hobophobic: as opposed to hoMophobic

Bleeding Heart Disease: combo of bleeding heart liberal and heart disease. The whole song itself, is, of course,a take off on "do ray mi fa sola..."

Drain Bramaged: Brain Damaged

Erik Ghint: Arrogant

Erik Shun: Erection

Izzy Drew Lynn: Is he Drooling

Herb Reathstinks: Her breath stinks