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Hydropolophiliac... that's me!

Hello to all. Hi. Me llamo Juile... Ich heisse Julie... my name is Julie (in case you didn't catch that...) I'm 20 years old & going to school right now. I just thought I'd update my page (possibly a good idea, eh?) um, I'm a Water Polo player (first & forver) and a swimmer... I like to read, right now I'm into fantasy things, like Lord of the Rings & Harry Potter things. I also like Orson Scott Card & I'm gonna start The Wheel of Time series soon. so, we'll see how that goes. I have taken Spanish, German, and a year of French long ago... um... I love to write (well, I haven't written as much as I would have liked to lately, but college will do that to ya) um, i mostly write poems (well that's all I'm gonna share with you anyway) so i left a link to that page along with one to my best friend, Chandler's page. He's much better than I, but it's fun anyway. you should check 'em out. Also, if you want to check out some good writing, go to Nox Venator's site. He put up a whole bunch of different people and their writing there. it's really good. check it out, eh? k, that's all for now.

my poems... check 'em out!
Chandler's page
It's Harry Potter... What can I say?
Nox Venator's Site