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*Andrew Dillon’s theme hits and he walks down to the ring with no response from the crowd*

Andrew Dillon: Hello and Thank you to all the wrestling fans here in Alabama! My name is Andrew Dillon and I’ll be honest with you people, professional wrestling has sucked over the past few years, I am a wrestler with skill. I don’t need flashy clothes or a insane name to get fan heat or cheers. My name is Andrew Dillon and I am here to do just what every wrestler in the back should be here to do and that is giving all of you paying fans what you came to see. Tonight is going to be no disappointment as I take on another newcomer here in the EMF Randy Orton, who you saw out here earlier. That man, who mocked all of you about your negativity, hes nothing but talk, and after I am through with him here tonight he won’t even be able to do that. Tonight’s match, is wrestling’s most brutal match the Hardcore match. Everyone take a moment to think about all the greats that have held the Hardcore Title, Mick Foley, Test, The late Crash Holly, Lillian Garcia! Even if that retired belt isn’t on the line here tonight in the match, the match itself is still a reflection on modern day wrestling. Do you truly think an non humble asshole like Randy Orton should have his name on the list of all the great people that have held the hardcore title? NO!. The theme song hes so proud of “Burn in the Light” that is actually funny that he finds it humorous because I do too, and the reason being tonight in the ring when I get revenge for every single on of you here tonight and all the millions watching at home, The only thing that will Burn In the Light, is Randy Ortons face coming in extremely hard contact with a light bulb that will be broken across his face.

*Andrew Dillon drops the mike and slides out of the ring while all the fans wildly cheer for him. As soon as he gets to the backstage area. He is greeted by Michael Cole*

Michael Cole: Wow Andrew Dillon, just being out in a EMF ring for the first time, driving the point home to all the great fans that you say you will defeat Randy Orton tonight. How does it feel?

Andrew Dillon: Just like when I was a kid and watching all the commercials with all the top stars saying that this was their passion and there was no other feeling. Having these fans cheer for me and scream my name as I exited the ring, there was no other feeling like it, and I’m sure as I go out their tonight at my first event, all these great fans will cheer my name as I defend each and every one of theres. I am not just going tolet Orton get away with what he said to all of them. They pay his checks and he mocks them, tonight hes going to get taken beyond his limit. He will be destroyed by the Dillon Destroyer, his RKO, thinking that he will be able to use that to shut my mouth, so he can go back making fun of everyone, the RKO wont even take me down for a second when I am able to feed off of this crowd and destroy him the best way I find fit to please the fans that want to see it happen. Randy, you want to call me a wanabe, you wanna call me a no name, you think this match will be quick, maybe it will, but what if it doesn’t. As you try to join EMF to defeat legends, you just ran into and are about to have the last stand in our career with a Legend in the making. Think about that, and after the match as well, think about the beating you took, next time don’t mess with my fans and next time

*The camera zooms in*

Andrew Dillon: Maybe you wont be destroyed, tonight is your asskicking while its my night to begin a life and stabilize the Legend in the making, inside of me

*Andrew Dillon puts his hand in front of the lens as we go to black*