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artistic . rhythmic . visual . confused . lost . crazy . hilarious . anonymous . quiet . shy . noisy . outgoing . witty . schizophrenic . depressed . comfortable . focused . annoyed . biased . obsessed . understanding . diverse . caring . selfish . jerk . fighter . lover . stressed . friend . foe . optomistic . leader . follower . outsider . creative . jackass . surrounded . lonely . complicated . distracted . organized . outcast . protagonist . gutsy . axis . player . lunatic . messy . misunderstood . happy . dependent . genius . fool . human .

This is my web page. I'm always changing it, tearing it down, and building it back up again, so it will never be finished.

By popular demand [of a very whiny little man]: The Davis Pimp Coat Four-Picture series.

Pictures (newest pictures: 2 historical pictures)
My Music (newest updates: "Influence X2")
[Get Opera!]
Opera is the best web browser on the net. It blows Internet Explorer out of the water. If you have never tried Opera, do it immediately! I cannot stress how important this is. Well, I can, but it I will inevitably end up using slurs against the Japanese.
If you are already aware of Opera, and you are not using Opera by free choice, I hate you. I hope you die and go to hell. Just kidding.

Oh yeah.. and I don't really make slurs against the Japanese... except for when my Nintendo stops working. Just kidding. Kind of.