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Kerry's Home Page
What IF Ministry
Ian McCormack A Glimpse of Eternity

My name is Kerry Norton and I am ordained by

United Christian Faith Ministries.

The United Christian Faith Ministries (UCFM) is a Christian centered home based Church ministry having six-thousand members worldwide in sixty-four countries, using the internet as one tool to fulfill the Gospel Commission and make disciples of the nations. We provide Christian leadership, training, and inspiration to build and support Christian's worldwide, working together in partnership as Ambassadors to our Lord Jesus. Applicants for ordination must first complete a free Ministry training course and other educational criteria, and assessment surveys, agree to the terms and conditions of ordination after which a Elder will review the ordination application. All ordination applicants must be in compliances with our high standards set forth in the terms and conditions, ministry ethics, statement of beliefs and are required to renew credentials on a yearly basis. We emphasize Christian centered beliefs that unite us in the Body of Christ with great love and admiration for each other without respect for wealth, social status, race, gender or nationality.


Why would you want to follow Jesus? Why not become involved in buddhism or hinduism? Just think in these religions you can do all your works you want. If your karma is good hey you come back human if bad karma your an animal..... Live a life of poorest condition raise your hand over your head to get one of your gods attention for so long it stays that way. Works that a great religion to be in.... Chant, beg and maybe you'll make it to become one with God.Works works works do it yourself no help from anyone you the man.


Why would you want to follow Jesus? Why not become involved in islam? Here is another religion that you can work your way in. Follow the five pillars of islam. Then there is the other strict laws and regulations. If your lucky you might blow yourself up murdering innocent people like a coward. Maybe you can die in Jihad defending islam from non muslim. So no matter how you do it nor look at it it is your works that you strive for. But unless you die in holy Jihad your not guarantee paradise allah chooses whom he wants... Works works works do it yourself no help from anyone you the man.


Why would you want to follow Jesus? Why not become involved in wicca? Here is a religion that works and your own power comes in play. Witch craft worship of a horned god and other type of gods and goddess. Worship the creation not the Creator. Use your magic to gain but hope someone doesn't have greater power then you wanting the same thing. Works works works do it yourself no help from anyone your the man.


Why would you want to follow Jesus? God has given us a free gift the gift of salvation through Christ Jesus. Not by works lest any man can boast but by the Grace of God are we saved. With God you don't have to do tricks or jump through hoops no raising your arm over your head for years that that arm won't come down. Saved with heaven your home that's what's on your mind. Finish the race with Jesus your savior and you are guaranteed Heaven.


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