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D-Dogg Productions
Utah's Underground Punk/Skate Site

NewsSite of the Moment
Up And Go Dec. 12, 2003

Welcome back! The last two years in Mexico have been great, and I'd just like to say GOD BLESS AMERICA!


Check It Out

Hey, I'm working on another website, so check it out. It located at:

Click Here

Well, that's all for now.


I Fianlly Updated

It is April Fools Day down here in Mexico City. I am living large and keepin' it real. Mexico is definitely a lot different than I expected. The skate scene down here is very small, but I still see kids skating every once in a while. Keep checking back, and I will try to keep updating.



I will leaving to Mexico City for the next two years. I don't suspect I'll remember a lot of the HTML stuff when I get home, so please be patient for the next 2 years. My plans for the site in the future are uncertain, but one things for sure, this site will remain functioning until I return. Thanx for all the support.

Updated 10.27.01


Updated 10.22.01

Check out the new CM802 from Circa. It's a rad shoe. Click Here to see it, or go to

Updated 10.13.01

It seems as if new bands have been poping up everywhere. Lately I've been on a lot, and found a link to a site called It's freakin' rad. Go to the links page and listen to the bands. Life is so rad, I'm on like a freaking high right now on life. Live your life so you have no regrets. Watch out Mexico City, here I come. Thanks to all my friends. Everyone.

Updated 9.18.01

One week ago today was a sad day for America. At 8:48 Eastern Time the WTC was attacked by what appears to be a terrorist attack. What happend on September 11, 2001 is a horrible tragedy and will be remembered forever. If you would like to read others ideas on this terrible act, click here, or here.

Updated 8.13.01

Hello to everyone. I finally get to walk on my foot. I can finally drive again. Anyway, I don't get very many visitors on this site, so tell your friends to come here. Mooba and Shay, you guys are rad.

To Meg and Shayna

You guys are awsome. I'm glad we all chill together. If I wasn't a gimp we could do a ton cooler things, so when I get my foot back and can drive again, I promise we'll do tons of cool stuff. (Ha, Ha, cause Megan can't drive us.) J/K Anyway, I'm glad you guys are my friends.

Updated 7.10.01

I've been out of town off and on for about two months. Sorry about no updates lately. I updated all the links in the menu, so take a look at the rest of the site.


Weezer just happened to this site!!! I created a Weezer page with some cool downloadable desktop themes. Go There.

New Look

Well other than me and Tara going 4-wheeling, and me getting crunched by the 4-wheeler, nothing else has been going on. I decided that since I can hardly walk, I would re-design the entire site, and make it look a ton better.

Hello Tara

If your name is Tara then you are so rad. I'm glad you could find my site. We should go 4 Wheeling sometime. Give me a call sometime, and we'll go chill. If you're Mike Cook or any of the other frequent visitors, well then enjoy my site. Thanx for the support.

Updated - 4.24.01

Added a Links section. Changed background sound to Less Than Jake.

Updated - 4.11.01

I updated the entire site. The skateboard section is finally up. This site however, can only be fully viewed with Internet Explorer 5.x or higher. I am trying to make it so that Netscape users can view it also, but it takes time.

The Beginning

What's up? I just recently created this web page, so right now it looks slightly dull. I promise with time it will get better. If you continue to check back freqently I'll try my hardest to get the site completely up and running. This is a preview of what I am currently writing to put on the page. In the Skate Section, I want to have a companies section, a trick tips section, and a local skate park section. In the Music Section I want to have a bands section, an MP3 section, a shows section, anyway, you get the idea. This site will be rockin' when it gets finished so check back daily to see how the progress is going. If you have any comments or suggestions about my site, drop me a line at:

Thanx, D-Dogg
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