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Hey, whatsupperz? You all know me and those who don't wish you did!! J/K. Bad joke. Anyway, I dunno how you found this page but the important thing is that you're here. So welcome, welcome...Take a look around and enjoy it. I'm still workin' on it so just check out what I have so far. Feel free to sign the guestbook and criticize as much as you want...just don't be so harsh. I'm very sensitive. I get hurt pretty easily. If you want to stay on my good side, just say nice things...even if you don't mean them.

Okay, let's get started. Before you travel off to different parts of my site, I'd like to say a quick shout out to all of my awesome friends: Erika, Joe, Tosh, Hazel, Dania, Jess, Sel, Christian, Ernest, Emily, Sam, Chris, John, Sean, Scott, Tony, Victor, Shorty, Rachel, Shannon, Katie, Mike, and everyone else who doesn't have the internet. (Also, hi to Cindy, Diego, and Michelle, who better check out this page during BCIS) I love you all very much and I'm never gonna let you forget it. Thank you all for always being there for me. You're the best bunch of friends anyone could ask for. Ok, I'll stop sucking up now. No, but seriously, I meant everything I said. I'll stop boring you now. Let's get to know me here. You can go ahead and skip that if you want, but it's your loss. You may think you know me, but I'm a very complicated person. I'm not what I seem. I am the complete opposite actually. Well, my really really really close friends know what I mean.

Anyway, enuff about me. I'll come up again, in the picture link furthur down, which I'm still workin' on. I lent out my scanner and I haven't gotten it back!!! And this was like a long time ago. Here are some good quotes. I dunno. Lately, I've really been into them. I think they're pretty interesting. And alot of them are really true. They fit my life well. I guess that's why I like them. If you have any quotes you would like to contribute to my site, please email them to me. I'm always open for suggestions on anything. Just send me anything you want.

Moving along... music is a big part of my life. Which is exactly why I'm dedicating this link to my favorite bands. I dunno what I'm gonna put in it yet, but I'll have something. Links and pictures and stuff. Once again, if you have any contributions to it, just email me. UNLESS its country or tejano. Sorry, I won't have none of that in my page. Make your own or somethin. Mine's cool and stuff. Before I go on, if you have Winamp and have trouble finding some songs, get napster at I don't mean to sound corny or anything, but it really helps. It has every song you can possibly think of. My collection of 500 mp3's is all thanks to napster! If you need help finding skins for ur Winamp or other accessories like that, just contact me. I'm a pro at these things. J/K, but really, I can help you.

Another really really really important factor in my life are my wonderful friends (as I mentioned before). You don't understand how much they mean to me. It's undescribable. This next link is dedicated to them. ~*~*MY FRIENDS*~*~ I LOVE YOU!!! You all are probably the only ones lookin at this badass site anyway so thanks for coming.

Did you think I was finished? Ha! I'm not even halfway done. You still need to see the pictures. They're not up yet, but I finally got my scanner back this weekend so I'm gonna scan the new pics on Friday since I got the day off for Easter!!! Well, meanwhile, I guess you can look at the ugly old pics. They're hideous. I'm warning you right now. You don't want to see them. Enter at your own risk.

Sorry, guys! That's it for now, but there's tons more to come. I'll be workin on this site more often so...yea. Stuff is cool. Don't forget to sign my guestbook on your way out.

"Friends don't owe eachother anything but icecream and backrubs"
Keep it real. Piece!!!

My old guestbook got screwed up somehow so I had to get a new one. You better not even think about leaving this site without signing it. I know where you live...=P
My Guestbook
