Johanna's Webpage

Welcome to my wacky world! This page is


What an irony!
Visit as often as you like.


This entire website is Comet Cursor enhanced!! In order to get the full effect of my hard work, you have to download the program that allows you to see the cute graphics attached to the cursor! The download takes, like, 10 seconds and hardly takes up any room in your system! So get it! Just click on the little Comet Zone box at any of my pages! I am not the only site with this feature!

Here's Some Stuff for You to Do!

Play The Crab Racing Game! It's What Makes My Page Famous!

(last January 1, 2002)

Well, guys, I'm back again! Before the 16th of December, this page hadn't been touched since January 2001! I was looking at this page and discovered that it no longer represented my current lifestyle and interests. Therefore, I am updating it to include what I'm REALLY up to. Keep checking up on me... you'll notice a great change. PLUR BABY!!
That's me on the left!!

Other Cool Sites NOT Made by Yours Truly:

Sam and David's Kingdom--A friends Sam and David's cool website. Pretty fun.

Haris's Soccer Formations--Good soccer site... Hey Haris, lighten up!

Libertas Online--Grant's College Webpage. Check it out!

Wally's World!--This site is too wierd. Isn't that reason enough to go?

Christen's Site!--My sister's boring, run-of-the-mill, generic website. Check it out when you've got nothing better to do.

Beth's Altered Reality--Beth's happenin homepage. Not quite finished, but check back a lot anyway!

Cecilia Wong's Happy Homepage--My best good friend Angela's webpage. Watch out for that butt-twitching, though!

Grant's Webpage--Grant! Post the URL in my guestbook, please!

MCHS Band Page--Some of us will always be band geeks. This is the site for all of you band nerds and band-nerds-at-heart.

Clark Kent Homepage--No, it isn't Superman's alias. It's a great local band that you may want to check out.

WELCOME TO HELL!!!--My old friend Justin's page. Scary. Must be 21 or older to enter.

View or Sign My Guestbook, DAMMIT!

The Great Moo-Moo Lives On! Relive the magic at her SlamBook!

Sign The Great Moo-Moo's SlamBook!

View The Great Moo-Moo's Slambook!

Click Frog to Email Me!

These sites provided the special features that make my page unique. Visit one today!