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A list of regged enhancers

In the UWoRC there are shops which may be purchased by members to sell whatever they wish. Building a shop is not cheap, but in the end it pays off well. Each shop cost a total of 30,000 GP which may be paid off in payments of 500 GP a Week. The initial start of your shop will cost 3,000 GP and 500 GP every week until you have paid the 30,000 GP, for another 5,000 GP you may place your shop as a Haven. If you choose to make your shop a Haven then you must place "Haven" in the Room name, this makes it so nobody can AA, TA, KA, or FC in the room without the Owner or Employee's permission. If you wish to create your own Shop in the UWoRC Forum please fill out the Business Application link locatd at the bottom of this page.

There are 8 Different types of Enhancers in the UWoRC Forum, they are Dmg, Hit, Def, AA Stealth, TA Stealth, Awareness, Rezz and Healing. What the names of these Enhancer mean and what they do, along with an example is below, anything in bold during the Example means that it is a note, not really a part of the Example.

Dmg=Damage... Adds # of Damage Points to Targets Hit Points (Only When used).


Cenok: 12 MrOuchie - 6 Cenok.

Cenok: ::fires his +2 Dmg Ruger Redhawk-44Mag. at MrOuchies Chest::

OnlineHost: Cenok Rolled 4 60-sided dice: 15 60 (11 Hit Points) 11 + 2 Enhanced = 13 Hit Points Total.

Cenok: 25 MrOuchie - 6 Cenok.

Hit=Hit... Adds # of Dice to your current dice (Only when used).

Example: Cenok: 12 MrOuchie - 6 Cenok.

Cenok: ::fires his +2 Hit Ruger Redhawk-44Mag. at MrOuchies Chest::

OnlineHost: Cenok Rolled 4 62-sided dice: 20 62 (12 Hit Points)

Cenok: 24 MrOuchie - 6 Cenok.

Def=Defence... Protects you from # of Damage points when attacked.

Example: Cenok: 12 MrOuchie - 6 Cenok. Cenok: ::fires his +2 Dmg Ruger Redhawk-44Mag. at MrOuchies Chest::

OnlineHost: Cenok Rolled 4 60-sided dice: 15 60 (11 Hit Points) 11 + 2 Enhanced = 13 Hit Points Total.

MrOuchie: ::His +1 Def Bullet Proof Vest helps protect him:: 13 - 1 Defense = 12 Hit Points Total.

Cenok: 24 MrOuchie - 6 Cenok.

AA Stealth=Assassination Attempt Stealth... Makes target have to get # more Points to gain preception than normal.


Cenok: ((You have 2 Minutes to roll 2d20 Perception, I am using +1 AA Stealth Boots of Silence, 3 Points Needed to Gain Perception.))

OnlineHost: MrOuchie rolled 2 20-sided dice: 20 13 (2 Points)

Cenok: ((Perception Failed, only 2 of 3 Points needed.))

Cenok: ((Commencing with Assassination.))

TA Stealth=Theft Attempt Stealth... Makes target have to get # more Points to gain perception than normal. Example:

Cenok: ((You have 2 Minutes to roll 2d20 Perception, I am using +1 TA Stealth Gauntlet of Swift Fingers, 3 Points Needed to Gain Perception.))

OnlineHost: MrOuchie rolled 2 20-sided dice: 16 15 (2 Points)

Cenok: ((Perception Failed, only 2 of 3 Points needed.))

Cenok: ((Commincing with Theft.))

Awareness=Awareness... Allows you to only need # less Points than stated to gain preception. Example:

Cenok: ((You have 2 Minutes to roll 2d20 Perception, you have +1 Awareness Ring of Perception, 1 Point needed to Gain Perception.))

OnlineHost: MrHawkeye rolled 2 20-sided dice: 16 13 (1 Point)

Cenok: ((Preception Gained, only 2 of 1 Points needed.))

Cenok: ::flees::

Rezz=Ressurection... Adds # of Points for each Rezz roll.


Cenok: 40 Rezz Points Needed to Rezz MrSmelly.

Cenok: ::places his hand on MrSmellys's head and his +2 Rezz Ring of Ressurection calls the spirit back to the body::

OnlineHost: Cenok Rolled 4 60-sided dice: 37 60 (15 Rezz Points) 15 + 2 Enhanced = 17 Rezz Points Total.

Cenok: 17 of 40 Rezz Points Needed.

Healing=Healing... Adds # of Points for each Healing roll.

Example: Cenok: 20 Healing Points Needed to Rezz MrSmelly.

Cenok: ::places his hand on MrSmellys's head and his +2 Healing Ring of Healing mends the wound upon his skull::

OnlineHost: Cenok Rolled 4 60-sided dice: 37 60 (15 Healing Points) 15 + 2 Enhanced = 17 Healing Points Total.

Cenok: 17 if 20 Healing Points Needed.

Enhancer #'s for All Diffrent Types and Their Build(B) and minimal sell(S) costs:

+1 Dmg, 300(B), 2,000(S).

+2 Dmg, 500(B), 3,000(S).

+3 Dmg, 700(B), 4,000(S).

+1 Hit, 200(B), 2,000(S).

+2 Hit, 300(B), 3,000(S).

+3 Hit, 400(B), 4,000(S).

+1 Def, 300(B), 2,000(S).

+2 Def, 500(B), 3,000(S).

+3 Def, 700(B), 4,000(S).

+1 AA Stealth, 500(B), 3,000(S).

+2 AA Stealth, 1,000(B), 5,000(S).

+1 TA Stealth, 500(B), 2,000(S).

+2 TA Stealth, 700(B), 3,000(S).

+1 Awareness, 500(B), 3,000(S).

+2 Awareness, 1,000(B), 5,000(S).

+1 Rezz, 700(B), 3,000(S).

+2 Rezz, 1,200(B), 4,000(S).

+3 Rezz, 2,500(B), 5,000(S).

+1 Healing, 700(B), 2,000(S).

+2 Healing, 1,200(B), 3,000(S).

+3 Healing, 2,500(B), 5,000(S).

You are allowed to Trademark your personal Items, but not common ones or Familiars. It cost 1,000 GP for every + on the Enhancer. When you have TMed an Item you must place a ™ beside that item, this makes it so nobody else can build this item without your permission.

In the UWoRC certain Enhancers may be BONDED into 1 Enhancer with 2 Enhancements. If you wish to bond two Enhancers together you must first pay the price for those two enhancers and then pay an extra 2,000 GP to bond them together. Each person is limited to two Bonded Enhancers only, Familiars can NOT be bonded in any form, shape, fashion or way.

Bondible fashions:


Dmg/AA Stealth

Hit/AA Stealth




AA Stealth/TA Stealth

From this day forth all Shop owners will be expected to send Receipts to the purchasers of the item(s) and to XxBeroixX so that she can register the enhancer. No Registration # needs to be listed in your profile because if someone needs to know if you have a legal Enhancer, they may simply ask for the list from JaneDebafox or go to the website at UWoRC Regged enhancers .

Sell Recipt

Buyer: ...

Sold By: ...

Items: ...

Total Cost: ...(Please Deduct it from your Account).

Notes: ...

Some of you may be under the impression that you may simply buy 2 Def Enhancers have have them work together, well they can't, you may only use ONE of a certain type of enhancer at a time and no more, this goes for every type of enhancer (not Familiars).

The Shop & Enhancer Supervisor has theright at any time to decline an enhancer's existance or make a ruling on the subject of Shops and Enhancers; due to unwriten rules and any possible loop holes, however, he may not controduct the given rules in this Section.

Shop Owners earn 100 ExP for every Enhancer they have sold (must be registered).

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