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...Modified 3/25/03...
3/25/03 New website up and running! Go there to get the latest on Padlock. Check it out!

2/27/03 The shirts have been ordered! They will be out soon to the people who ordered them with a special bonus. 2nd, the new repress of the "To Hell in a Handbasket" demo is out now. Go to DarkWhiteRecords.com and get yourself a copy! Finally, the technicians at Padlock Industries are working long night hours building the new padlock website. It will be "wup" soon for your enjoyment. Keep checking in!

2/3/03 Padlock will have shirts for sale as long as people put the money down first contact Evan for more info.

1/28/03 Padlock is having the "To Hell in a Handbasket" demo repressed! This new enhancment will be available soon on Dark/White records. Contact Evan for more info

1/5/03 Padlock sucks because they're gay and they didn't record over winter break!

Your lookin at the updates biotch! Don't they look nice?
Will Tallman - Guitar, Lead Vocals
Nick Johnson - Guitar, Some Vocals
Evan Estwing - Drums
Marc Cox     - Bass