Noise Chamber 3 song demo (Roughcut)
1. More Like Phobos (available at mp3.com for download)
2. Please Mom
3. Wash With Like Colors

*minor note: More like phobos was the only song that was completed fully on the demo. The band didn't have the time nor the funds to finish the other vocal tracks for the 2 other songs.

Back To The Office Live! (Very Rare)
1. Tuning Up
2. My Country
3. Critical Mass
4. Bria
5. Please Mom
6. Myself and You
7. More Like Phobos
8. My So Called Life
9. Satan

New 5 Song Demo (release date July 25, 2002)
1. Without Me
2. Thanx Alot
3. Solid Gold
4. More Like Phobos
5. Destiny