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Halo 3 will totally own.

About me

Halo 3 is the mostanticipated game for the xbox 360. There is a beta coming for it in the spring and it will be sweet. I have successfully gotten into the H3 beta and will be playing it day in and out for as long as I can before it is deleted from my 360.They are planning to have it "self destruct" off of your xbox at a date TBA. My gamer tag is killerfizz2x. I am part of the clan "pimpsofthesea" and are currently looking for members. If interested send me a message.

My guess on Halo 3's release date and Halo 1/2 release dates:

game/release date
Halo 1/Nov 14, 2001 Halo 2/Nov 9,2004 Halo 3/Nov ?17?,2007

About Halo 3

  1. weapons
  2. The brutes are now your main enemy. So naturally they have given you some more of th there weapons such as spik grenades, spects spiker,and much more not yet released.Humans also have new and improved weapons up there sleeves. The weapons include the spartan laser, a large weapon that is made for a personal or vehicle K.O. it is a one hit one kill deal, also the rocket will be back but will no longer have the tracking device, the laser instead is very accurate spects .Assault rifle(like from halo but less ammo/more fire power)spects and of course the pistol is changed, but not much more than that is new covenant weapons have been released as of now. Tho a trailer, Et Tu,Brute(scroll down and choose under audio/video vi doc in the type of format you want.) hints at duel wield able swords(I personally do not think it will happen but...)
  3. Vhicles
  4. So far the only new vehicle is the mongoose, a hi speed low power quad made for a human answer to the ghost.
  5. Mysterious X button/controls

  6. "Left and right sticks: Movement and look. Just like H2.

    Click left and right sticks: Crouch and zoom – just like H2, although there is a “toggle crouch” option, so that you can stay crouched until you click the stick again.

    A: Jump

    B: Melee attack. Note: B may also be used to activate a subtle, but nifty context-sensitive feature.

    Y: Switch to next weapon.

    X: Activate mysterious new feature which on the cool scale falls somewhere between “crouch” and “activate Fantanas on speed dial.”

    LT: Toss grenade.

    RT: Shoot weapon.

    LB: Cycle grenade type (you have at least three types of grenade now, so they must be cycled rather than switched).

    RB: Pick up weapon/activate stuff/reload/use turrets and so on.

    Note: If you hold LB while standing over a dual wieldable weapon, you’ll pick it up in your left hand – a huge improvement over the “Y” button in Halo 2. This doesn’t affect grenade cycling, because you can still tap LB to cycle grenades, but you can’t toss ‘em while dual wielding anyway. So it’s moot. After about ten minutes of play, it feels incredibly natural, with the lone downside that you have trouble adjusting when you go back to Halo 2. But more vitally, LB reloads the weapon in your left hand, individually when you’re dual-wielding.

    D-PAD: Used for sweet circular fighting game moves. No wait, my bad - it is currently used to activate team chat, but that’s very provisional. This is being given a lot of care and attention and is tied to other matters, such as your default settings and how team chat and proximity voice work. You’d be amazed how much testing and thought goes into this stuff.

    And again, we stress. This stuff is not final. It could all change at any time. But that's a pretty good bunch of stuff to expect in the Beta"(1).
    halo 3 official site from