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Newer Lyrics

War is not the Answer to our Problems. War is Annihilation. X3
Ministers of Oil, Kings of the Wealth,
Profiting Politicians, But what about everybody else? X2
So it has become a New World Order.
Killing under the cloak of War is nothing but an act of Murder.
You will never know that Problems that we Face. The older that you Grow.
You become more Desensitized to our World or Hate. X2
How Many Civilians must Die?
Find the Truth between Bush’s Lies. X2
Marginalize the Public, Manufacture of Consent, Institutional Canalizes,
Is Knowledge of Language, What do they Know, and What do the Tell Us?
What are the Media and our Government Telling Us?
Blood for Oil, Buying new Arms, increasing our Defense, increasing our Debt.
We’ve got to make sure things like this Never Happen Again.
We’ve got to take a stand.
Boycott Multinational death Corporations, Militaristic, Materialistic, Malicious Plans.
Compensating for the Absence of Resources In an Infinite Garbage Can.
International Terrorists are Running out of Washington. It’s not our Government when the People feel Isolated. The Suggestion Box is Lost- George W. should come and talk to us. Summon ourselves to a world of Ideas. VS a Doctrine of Murders, Dominators, Exploiters and Thieves.
Creation, Foundation, Public Access and Community VS A Rich so called Free, Scandalous Society.
George W. go eat a big fat Lump of Coal.

OUT OF THE CLOSET(then right back into one)
Here is something for you to know
I wasn't put on this earth to pick out your clothes
As a matter of fact, wax your own back
Then hit the fuckin road Jack
I'm not that sterotype
Don't believe the media-Don't believe the hype!
I think the real issue is your masculinity
When it takes 5 queer guys to make you show your femininity
We all know in your wettest wildest dreams
You just want to be a girl humping queen
Out of the closet and right back into one!

Somethings you'll Never Know
False Truths of what Your Told
Someday You will See
Living a Life of Hypocrisy

I'm out of my head-
All I can see is red-
They say it's frustration-
I say change the whole fucking station-
Were going out tonight-gonna let it go, gotta let it go
Forget everything that you have to lose
Gonna let it go, gotta let it go
Forget the day start the night 1-2-3-4!
Tight black pants-Blue suede shoes
Fuck Huey Lewis-Mass media and the news
Elevator music-Elevator life
Controling desires-by putting fear in the minds
And then you'll offer me drugs
But I got some myself
It's part of the problem
and it's also the help
You offer new addictions
To replace the old
Old hat new day, swallow that no way
No shrinks drugs can undo the mess that you've made
Here comes a new wonder drug!-look out!

Seperate yourself from what's happening today.
Convince yourself it's not your fault the problems go away.
Life is fine, don't have much time, not much to say
Working yourslef so hard your in an early grave
Can't tell what seperates every changing day
Days become months until life slips away
Brains they rot, bodies decay
until your old on drugs supplied by pharmacies
You've been starring at the sun so long your eyes no longer feel
I've been staring at the sun too long, the sunspots are blocking out what is real
What's in between is all you have
Are you really conscious or is your head in the sand
Money's a false idol, it suplies fake answers
Too bad that suv won't protect you from cancer
Your moneys a false idol
It supplies false answers
Too bad that suv
Won't protect you from cancer
The harder I hold on to life the more it pushes me away
Every time I get a clear view, I start a brand new day
And I wonder if I'm awake
Because it feels like a dream
It still feels like a dream
It still feels like I'm dreaming
Reality, it doesn't exist

Consumerist Bull SHit x2
Want what You Have
Make what you Need
This World is Already Filled
With Too Much Greed
Purchases of Nothingness
False set of Values
Blinded Commercialized
Revolt to Destroy this Civilization
Rebuild Ourselves to a stronger Nation
Down with Corporate Globalization
Direct Action is our Only Salvation
Squat learn to live off the land
Boycott the Governments Consumerist Plans

Through the windows
Of that
Royles Royce
That took
On his
Paper route
Smashing windows with a baseball bat!
Smashing through the windows of the BMW with the bumpersticker that says life sucks, at least yours
Smashing-through the boundries
Between-black and white
Smashing-through the boundries
Between-young and old
Smashing-through the boundries
Between-man and woman
Smashing-through the boundries
Between- Young and old, black and white it's all the fucking same
It's all just a rich man's game
Sexism makes half the world powerless
Ageism ingrains your powerless early, and it makes us pist!
So reject the comfort we believe is our right
That makes us all window shoppers in life
Surrounded by machines, that din't even care at all
There towers go into the sky
look them right back in the eye
don't by in, step back, watch them fall
Days, grow long, and we forget, how to compliment, don't be afraid love learn teach and hate, but most importantly, this song must stop

GadZoocks! , time to, Smash, things Up
Smashing through the Boundries, Between Rich and Poor
Smashing through the Boundries, Between Gays and Straights
Smashing through the Boundries, Between Language Barriers
Smashing through the Boundries, Between All Our Differences
Smash Capitalism, Smash Homophobia, SmaH Poverty, Smash all your blasphemy, Envy and Greed, NOW
Smash Everthing that Divides Us

The clock is ticking, live life inspired,
how much life is waiting for you, when you retire? SO GO!//
Hey, We got to live for today /
Life never promised anything /
except/accept death /
Look inside yourself /
what's your cause /
what are you here to help /
so many people with nothing /
to do or to say /
get in my way /
sit on their ass and wait /
for the bullets to fly astray. /
Hey, how long will you wait? /
there will come a day /
when it's too late /
to make a change -accept death /
Look inside yourself... /
Afraid of death and disaster have we forgotten were alive/
watch T.V. stay in your box don't ever go outside/
your clock is ticking and mine is as well/
so lets prove there can be heaven on a planet becoming hell/
Stray Bullet Factor x4 / Fuck it all let's go play. /
There's not enough time to waste away. /
Be constructive have some fun. /
Act like a child and skip through the lawn./
This ground still soft and this land still torn. /
The blood on our hands has soaked through our skin. /
Harding like clay into the eroding Earth, /
And the shallow graves are now exposed with last nights rain./
Crying Above. /
Shedding our Pain. /
Soon you will realize your Existence./ Soon you will realize your Extinction./
Malnutrition and Starvation, Economic Sanctions and Border Restrictions. Malnutrition and Starvation is the leading cause of death to the Iraqi's children. Malnutrition and Starvation is the U.S.'s warfare prescription.

We've seen it coming /
from years away /
we're all headed for another dark age /
When "the family's" gone /
and culture is lost /
we all become one world slaves. /
Heads Up
We're headed for a dark age
When the people learn the truth /
the cities will burn in vengeance /
who am I and who are you /
to kill our brothers/sisters for politicians /
I wish that we could all turn back /
but we must face this darkness /
wading deep /
through all this hate and disease /
we may be lost /
but we will not be forgotten if we try/fight...

RUNNING OUT OF PATIENCE/RUNNING OUT OF TIME There's lots of path's-some overgrown some trodden-that you can travel in this life/
dead roads from the past those times when I find them it makes me wonder am I the same person//
A Life of Oppression!
Is wearing you thin!
You want to give up when/
the days the same thing-over and over-you wonder why you even have this life/
the nights, we dream, of things that cannot be, possibilities that we wish were realities/
One big ab-eration of nature as we move across the planet it's all I see/
the lights they gleam, it's a one billion point bit-stream but the lessons about life they have taught me/ Absolutely Nothing!
I'll take your advice,
but I will not think twice,
to make my own decision and forge along the path I beleive is right/
It won't be easy but when the day has it's end I'll have a grin on my face from the times that we spend, my friends

The 4.8 SK8Park Song, it's about how it took Minnesota so long to get sk8parks here, which I think is a good idea; but when you think about it, things like sk8boarding and other recreational activities shouldn't really be crimalized to begin with. And when they are you have people or companies that come in and try to capitalize off the fact that you have no other opportunities. Which I think is sick. Then you have other people giving you a bad rap , cops hassiling you, the list goes on, and on. Pretty much what I am trying to say is "sk8barding is about the muthafuckn goddamn freedom" self expression and the abilitity to brake any bearier and go balls out any where, anytime, any place you want, Don"t Hold Us BacK

4.can'tSK8 SONG ?Am I A Criminal? ?If I SK8 Board?X2 !NO! ?Then why are we kicked out or asked to leave? Sk8 Downtown/ Fuck the City!X2 Sk8boarding is about Freedom/ Not Restrictions! X2 Instead of Disobeying Ordinances, We sold our soul for park and Rec.'s facilities, Fences, Rules, Waivers, and Pads! Age Discrimination and Capitilasim is becoming a Fad. It hasn't solved the Problem when the same kids sit outside and watch everday. ToDaY!, The 4.8 sk8park has sold our freedom away. Away! awayawayawayawayY! Do Not devide us by our wealth and Age x2 DECRIMINALIZE IT let's, Sk8 Downtown/ +Fuck the City! X2 Sk8boarding is about Freedom, Not Restrictions! X2 Freedom not Restrictions x2 These streets are Ours, let's take em back!

JUST A HORSE WITH BLINDERS Wino Punx RESIST!!! Our friend Nick in the Heat of the Action/ All Excited, Energetic, Lovn the Tribal Passion/ Having fun Flinging his Garmets, Removal of Clothes/ Just a CareFree WinoPunk Dancer who is Indecently Exposed/ (born naked and made to wear clothes x4) I like How the shows can get so Chaotic/ You never Know what will Happen Next/ Dancing around yelling, spitting fire, and Spewing Shit/ Darts being thrown in Peoples Backs, the Music making them Posesed/ (born naked and made to wear clothes x4) There are No rules and I haven't seen any need to have and enforced Yet.(x2) Just a Horse with Blinders to scared to see/ The Beauty of yourself locked behind insecurity/ Instead of experience something new you bail out and leave/ Too bad we would have mindfucked you and made your ear drums bleed. Make your Ear Drums Bleed!