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Iconoclasm Lyric Book

WANT WHAT YOU HAVE (make what you need) ...Lost...Souls....Stripped...of Individualism...Convulsions of Consumerism, Pricetags Plague these lands. A zoo of Merchandice on display, feasting off the latest trends. Materalistic Animals when will your hunger end? Purchases of Nothingness, a false set of values, in blinded commercialized eyes...Parasites...Living...Off...Dollar $igns...Capitalist slaves trying to buy an artificial happiness. Distorted work and homelife values. Missing the real pearls of life which have always been free. Sunsets and flowers, the Ocean our earth, what are we without our friends? We need to think, speak our minds. We need to work just to stay alive. Most get paid for their time. Do you beleive the cause is justified? REALIZE, your pay check is symbol of your effort, symbol of your power in tangible form. Are you going to give it to someone that's going to enforce CONFORNMITY think of that burger that you bought for a dollar, where does that money go? who does it empower? an endless hole is where it goes, the pockets of the government, majority is handed to things you probally don't believe in. 1 of everything then one more,Replace the old as the commercials told,Revolt to destroy this civilization,Rebuild ourselves to a stronger nation,Down with corporate globalization,Beat the rich into submission,Squat,Learn to live off the land,Boycott the governments consumerist plan, ...Consumerist....Bullshit...Consumerist...Bullshit...hahaha-The jokes on you. your money didn't buy you freedom just stupid shit you think you have to do, When you meet their standards, they only raise the bar, You rush out to support it with a new wardrobe and a car, Rising Fist,,, Marketing Mix,,, ...Consumerist...Bullshit...Consumerist...Bullshit WE Don't Need Your Fuck'n Shit.. It Makes Us Sick, MAkes Us Sick..Fuck Off All You Capitalist Slaves..Digging Your Own Graves, Dig Your Own Graves.. I walked through a world of shit. You call it a mall. I realized there was nothing there I wanted,DEsirED. Just million of identical things without a purpose in the world. Want What You HAve! Make What You Need! Want What You Have! Make What You Need! Product, Price, Placement, Promotion, Radio stations serving off of paid advertizments. Brand Equity and value of name. 6000 advertisements on any network in the course of a week. Procter and Gamble spend over 2 million dollars a year on their commercials. Want What You Have! Make What You Need! ...Lost...Souls...Stripped...of Individualism..."Everything that you Dream about is right in front of you, liberty is a Lie!"

IT'S O.K. TO KILL AS LONG AS YOU WEAR THE HAT(this songs about class division created by so called "essential" multi-national, multi-billion dollar companys [no one should have that much power] and a government so currupt it'd wage a war on it's own citizens)--They say that cops with guns, are keeping us free/they happiness comes from 40 hours a week in a factory/when they toss us crumbs we should be grateful just to eat/with snide remarks it puzzzles you when we line "your" fucking streets/it's why I'm proud to say fuck you/and not support/this so called peace our "leaders" report/it's not peace for you, it's not peace for me/it's peace for the rich elitist multi national companys/there's a war in america and every other country/our leaders go and start but it's fought by guess who you and me/end the drug war and set political prisoners free/we'll fight to restore the rights that should be guaranteed/that's why I'm proud to say fuck you/and not support/this so called peace that are leaders are recording/it's not peace for you, and it's not peace for me so let's make it so there's no peace for those companys that forgot the people/NOW/ the cups full at the start, but at every single stop, their taking sips of the top, and when it reachs the bottom all we're left with-is DROPS!!

BLANK PAGE()--In a small minnesota town, fueled by factories/In a quiet little torn apart town, is where he left me/left me-left us-left us all to figure out-the catholic church ain't around anymore when you get divorced/friends they sometimes turn their back when you get divorced/and your family contradicts you, trys to make you stay still with all your force/what a great thing it to be a woman that stays strong/left out-long gone-out of here but you left doubt/the snow it falls down every year somehow I managed to grow up/through passive youth I fought my fears but now and then they show up/bodies thrashing,bottles passed, screaming voices,basements smashed/the music's loud I'm feeling so alive/I know you turned your back on me-this truth is sometimes hard to see-calling out, trying to break free but now and then it sneaks up on me

NO BELIEF- (it's about when i walked to work on sept. 11th and no one seemed to give a shit about anything but themselves as usual.) I can't believe, everytime i walk the streets so many people want something from me on a day, when we shouldn't have such need you try my patience and my generosity Your reaction to people dying in the streets acts of hate, just cuz were free makes me think, how you cant think passed yourself its just as bad, in you I have no belief inconsiderate, drunk beligerent still give a shit, more than you ever will.

BORDER PATROL Ya! A la chingada los fronteras/ Vivimos Donde queremos Policias Fascistas/ Podemos vivir sin ellos Viva la libertad! A la chingada los Fronteras !Viva la Anarqia! -Vivimos donde qeremos (3x) Vivimos sin fronteras Vivimos sin gobierno (3x) We can live without them, They try to tell us where to live and how long we can fucking stay, Tell us all this shit because of where were born. Government forces the Earth (and us) apart. They need us divided to fight their wars. Fuck the borders/ Fuck the Government, to fuck with the borders/ etc.

HARDCORE 4 DA HARDCORE Stop this segregation in our scene Unite together we are just one big family Sitting at the Bar is that a Social disease The bands are going nuts put nobody sees And we’re traveling to as many shows as we can Different Xperiences, People, Free the land Political Activism, Grow a Garden, Start a Band Come and Join us on this Wino Punk Caravan Come and join us, Come and join us, Come and join us, Come and join us, Come and Join us on this Wino Punk Caravan

(hardcore for the hardcore) this song is about people that think it's a great idea to segregate hardcore punk from the rest of the independent music community. Sure there are differences, but if we can't acknoledge these and get on with our lives, we are just proving anarchy will never work. I didn't really intend for these lyrics to be a song, but I wrote them, and after a few jam sessions with sam, kristin, and bro' lynch, they were put to this music. The first lyrics were written by sam basically about the same events.-retch

Hardcore for the hardcore is hardcore for the hardcore is for hardcore for the hardcore is your own fucking death sentence. While you bitch about what's happening in your scene closed off with mohawks, leather jackets like plasticine there are people out there making decisions that are passing you by. For all your talk you haven't changed a fucking thing except scared away people that wanted to be involved. And there are actually people out there getting harrasssed, ground down to be fodder for the machine that's a few rich people, keeping everyone else down. But you wouldn't know because they don't have you special hair and your studded clothes and your hip music. So fuck off. I'm tired of screaming to deaf ears, I want to sing to people that will actually listen, ones that aren't afraid of change. You haven't created a culture or community, just a bunch of people, cutting each others legs out as they climb the ladder of elitism. if you were truly punk you'd fucking dress in rags. DRESS IN RAGS!!!

MYTHRIA Born form a Virgin. Son of God. There is only 1 way to get into Heaven. YOur Religion is Just a Fucked up Cult. YOur Religion is just a fucken up cult left over form an Oppressive Empire. Just a Government. Like all Governments I want to see your structure's fall. Underneath the ruins of mankind in your destorted selfish civilization. Would life be Brutish and Savage? Every Man out for Themselves? I saw you down on your knees. Asking for forgiveness form the Almighty. Burn in Hell for your Sins. Born form a Virgin. Son of God. Based on Pagen Myth. Boundless love to give we don't need your god. An archaic hierarchary based on the alienation of our bodies and desires. mythria, mythria, myth-ri-ahhhhhh

BANANA RIOT MUFFINS "In case you haven't heard, there's a fucking war on." >Activists prevented from crosssing "open" borders, >a literal wall built around the power (Quebec '01) >Take yourself more seriously >Because we ARE a fucking threat. >Just look at the thousands of riot cops >to keep our voices quiet. >The leaders of this hemisphere will make jokes about us all >While we're getting tear gassed, beat, and shot >They sit and sell us out. >Allowing corporations to plunder what little is left >there is no gray area because capitalism is just theft. >But the tear gas brings us together even closer than before. >Hardcore kid in ski mask and urban working poor. >hundreds are arrested but thousands more inspired >into action, into resistance, seizing control of our lives. >And there's an odd sense of peace, even of safety. >in midst the full on chaos, i smile as i watch a local kid. >throw tear gas right back at the fuckers. >and not all of these tears are from the gas, >tears of real joy, and a smile behind our masks. >Because, this is what true liberty feels like. (whole buncha times) >A little fear, a little hope, and a raised fist. > >we might very well be stronger now than ever before >the huge protests are important but there is so much more. >it's easier to smash windows when theres not 5000 cops. >every night with that intensity, a resistance that never stops. >undercover pigs dress like us, pretend to care, >so watch each others backs, these bastards are everywhere. >Infiltrators, narcs, and secret government files. >so don't get fucking caught cuz we'll never get fair trials. >they're trying to crush us because they're fucking scared. >But if we keep building up this pressure >they can never be prepared. >hey punk, we are a fucking threat again. YOU are a part of a >movement. start acting like it. we can win.

THE POLICE BRUTALITY SONG (Are they watching over us or are they watching us?)Screams of persecution preaching law and order-turn the switch pull the plug-every politician condeming contradiction-no one is safe until we smash the state//here lies your enemy-beaten to submission-manacled totalism-born without rights-into dictoral social control-restrain manipulation-dominate the situation-diseased system subordination-prison is a money making industry-Now it is time for the police to feel subversion-so they can understand how they make us feel-living in constant fear and harrassment-due to there miss use of power and authority-freedom and self determination-away from all these rules mental enslavement-living a life of total respect and responsibility-police are human and no way above the law-an officers word is superior to five of ours-when we fight them we must use our minds-learn the constitutional ammendments appeal justice-catch them committing the crimes-write down the cops names and badge numbers-record the incidents and start a local cop watch-when our protectors of peace are violators-who can we turn to but each other and ourselves//once i was afraid of you-now I know it isn't true-your lack of insecurity-is giving me the creeps-control is currupt-power is greed-you just want authority-badge of subhumanity............"They are just there to enforce the laws, not to follow them."

DAYS WE CAN ONLY IMAGINE An ode to the days we can only imagine/ times set down by ancient pens/ moments of truth not in the history books/ real life./ glimpses of it in dust covered books/ poems discovered in the basements of thrift shops/ Poets, my friends, hear me/ One day this pen will stop/ but for now an ode to you, my friends, an ode to you my friends, Poets.

HIDDEN IN THE DEPTHS OF THE SCREEN Media shape society or reflect it? Elitists are in control Political Power = Wealth and Social Prominence Millionaire Corporate Dictator’s Dominate what is seen and heard Selling us values of Materialism and Competition To keep the Masses focused on Narrow Aspects Left, Apathetic and Weak which will make them easier to Control

DOOMED unless you change your ways All this crap And all these peole All so pointless A progressed evil Unlesss it affects them People don’t care to think/ Mindless imbeciles Try to make life so easy Hide behind the Shadows You just run away/ No one wants a change It will require work Just sit on your ass And remain a worthless dork In a moranic silence You don’t care, won’t listen To anything we have to say/ Tried to tell you but It ain’t no use Your head has been filled up with lies That have desensitized Your brain It’s too bad, cause it would Have helped you/ But now your just screwed Cause you didbn’t listen When you needed to So now you’re forever doomed Now your doomed The infection has hit Blinding us ever so quick The ignorance run amuck And all you people are out of luck.-

I’M IN MY OWN LITTLE WORLD (Cr@zY) The Government locks people up in institutions Giving them drugs that make them act crazy Killing their mind, Killing independent thought Until their minds are good and fried then they’ll let up Son, You’re not crazy anymore! You’ve been cured. Who is to say ...............Who is crazy? Freedom of thought and a creative imagination Discouraged and feared in every nation? How do we know what is normal? Or even if we are? Are their crazy people? Or ones just different from you and I? Everyone sees things differently The majority isn’t always right Why force us to be the same We’re stripped of our individualism It you’re different or strange Certainly there must be something wrong And you should be put away Who is to say.......Who is crazy? “Conformists” Does what they say ever get old? Follow the norm do what your told Clones everyone must look, act, and be the same Your programmed like robots, You’ve all been trained. Thats Crazy-

BONES, BLOOD, AND SOIL Where will you be after I’m dead? Years later, you’ll probably be laying next to me Buried six feet under in your bed And after we have both decomposed And our grave stones have erode If we should happen to be dug back up How would you possibly tell us apart? Two skeletons lying there with their limps disembarked How would you know if I was black? Or how would you know if I was white? I have to tell you something Racism can’t work on a skeleton How would you know how I use to look Or how I use to be? Your hatred is so petty We are the same beneath the Earth Or under the skin See me for what lies within Judge from where I stand Not were you stand Only then can we share this Earth peacefully As equal humans Because I’m no better then you and you’re no better then me Slanderous comments mean nothing WE are all the SAME after DEATH We're all the same after death We're all the same after death We're all the same right fucking now! Where will you be after I’m dead? Years later, you’ll probably be laying next to me Buried six feet under in your bed And after we have both decomposed And our grave stones have erode If we should happen to be dug back up How would you possibly tell us apart?-

SPERMICIDAL OIL/POGO WITH IRAQ If only we could learn from our mistakes, but tradition makes our minds sick. Minds sickened with manipulation, war fever can spread quick. These symptoms are not healthy, we must revolt in every way. Use your natural instincts, even a horse sneezes when it smells bad hay. We pretend to have a purpose, when it’s all to hide the president’s affair. “Let’s boost the economy, raise patriotism, unlease havoc and fear.” It’s such a funny joke but I will never laugh It’s all happened before and unfortunately it’s been brought back We needed someone to start a war with Lucky for us we found someone who won’t do exactly what we say Keep us all in control. Make world domination even more clear. Kill and slaughter innocent millions Do it for your country, do it for Uncle Sam. Soldiers are killers not kings, We need to remove their crowns. Before history repeats itself No war is ever won. ...just another player in the demented game that we play. Fighting is not bravery Both sides lose Killing is not a victorious game Real courage is from within in Backups on verses. Kill, kill get our thrills, fight, fight war is not right.-

RETRO-CHRIST Be for me Worship me Die for me Kill for me (4x) I am the savior, the life everlasting I am your hopes, your dreams, your future I am your past, your mother, your father Your last hope Your last. (2x) Be for me Worship me Die for me Kill for me (4x) ...I am Christ...reborn...-

DA SKA SONG PeaceLoveUnity HappinessEquality FreedomAnarchy

MY HAPPY LIFE IN SCHOOL Meaningless importance When nothing is accomplished Why waste my time? Because I’m deprived of that freedom Worthlessness of not learning has had me come I’m made to listen and made to obey I sit here and get yelled at, Five out of seven days But for some strange reason they call it teaching And I just fail to see How is it possibly learning When we accomplish absolutly nothing Mumbling things but don’t know what about To prove this ask them again later what they shouted out Unable to answer they make up lies instead And I sit here in disbelief Watching the students bow down Placing there lips upon the teachers feet Don’t try to state your opinion if you disagree Think independently we are programmed not to be Lies floating around ever year Don’t let any enter into your ears They say that school leads you to a happy life But it teaches you to be a slave like them It teachers you how to make money And money is not happiness How can school teach you what life is? They teach you lies Learn the lies And the truth is revealed The truth is your power The power your shield I can’t wait to escape these walls Like any smart person would But if I happen to leave when not approved Then I would be imprisoned at home too.-

SOCIETY- THE INDIVIDUAL THREAT ONTO OURSELVES Society is mind-death Humanity is long deceased. chorus Scared, always scared -Running scared What if I would do something wrong. -Something I thought was right Something you thought was wrong. “Oh no, I’ll be kicked out of your society” -I’ll be looked down upon But would it still be right in my mind? -Oh yes Look at the hatred in everyone’s eyes Look at the homeless, the addicts, the drunks Look at the rich drooling with greed This is society your cage with no door. Fascist cops, racist views Fascist teachers, mind numbing schools Idiot elders, made up rules Idiot soldiers, lives to lose. I don’t want to be a part of your society I don’t want you to tell me what to do I’m sick and tired of all your rules and regulations The only ones who benefit from your laws Are you. Are you! Judge me you racist bastard But don’t breed me with your hate I was born to be who I am And I’ll do what I think is right for me. -

THAT PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT YOU KEEP FLUSHING BUT IT NEVER SEEMS TO GO AWAY, IN OTHER WORDS THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. Government hides a great many truths Controlling the media, controlling our minds Constant brainwash all the time Placing fictional thoughts in our heads Controlling our future and our life ahead Mind controlled citizen, worst then being dead Sending our people to a foreign lands war Selling us drugs, selling us whores Sacrifice your life for another Killing ourselves sisters and brothers Just so we can make money for others Land of the free I don’t think so Not in this country *Chorus Impeach, impale, export the exile away Rich, white, old, men GO AWAY ! More and more kids dying everyday Trapped into listening forced into their ways Tangled up in all their rules and lies Keep listening and your going to die There fascist system brings no joy They play with us, we are there toys We’re given the right to vote Only for a man who’s old, rich, and white Thats how we know things aren’t right. It’s time to stand, stand for our beliefs Stand for our rights, It’s time to stand together as one and UNITE Let’s take back what is ours *Chorus Impeach, impale, export the exile away Rich, white, old, men GO AWAY ! The never ending struggle of an endless fighting spree. A continuos battle going on between you and me. Deprived until you lies speak truthfully I want what you said, I want to be free. It’s time to flush the government out. OUT.-

GO AHEAD, FIGHT A WAR AND END UP DEAD (Vultures) Vultures fly overhead circling their prey If they’re hovering above you’re probably in the U.S.A. They peck away the skin, and tear away the flesh Until a rotted decomposed corpse is all that is left Lying in a pool of your own blood, you’re lucky to be alive Be happy you’re making money for the government and their greedy wives Their profit margin is so largely great Just look how high is that death rate Question, you glad you’re in the history books? Too bad, you’ll never have a chance to look Blood dripping red trickling down the dead soldiers pail white face It reminds me of our flag what a disgrace Glamorizing war, what they say happen’s is a lie We just don’t truthfully see because their blindfold is covering our eyes Land of the free and the dead, what a great country Why defend it? It won’t defend me Sell your soul And fade away Recruit today and slowly decay Armed and ready standing at the front Hit by one good shot and sucker you’re out of luck Bang, Bang, you’re dead! “Ready Aim Fire” Like a yo-yo around a finger you’re being jerked around Like herded up cattle on the way to the slaughter house down town “I’ve got a question soldier, are you ready to die” Well then, go ahead, go ahead, fight a war and end up dead Go ahead, go ahead, fight a war and end up dead Green paper busting their pockets fattening their thighs Look close all their is, is greediness in their eyes Like the Vulture they watch us die But the difference is that they don’t kill to survive-

WHAT A LIFE We have animals - We keep in little cages We have animals - upon the dinner table But is that what they are here to be? Pet’s or meat - No thank you, neither for me What choices do they have? Death or imprisonment - now that is sad Are living creatures entitled to be free? It doesn’t seem you think that way to me Slaughtered and kill because how they taste It seems like that kind of a life is a waste Born, breed and raised so they can die They have feelings and emotions - have we lost ours somewhere inside? Thrown into pens and locked behind doors A prisoners life and for what for? We should let them go where they belong Running through woods and across lawns What if you were locked away and only let out on command Herded in lines labeled and tagged Fed food to make you plumb. Only later to be someone else’s lunch. Made to stand in line and watch your friends dieThen it’s your turn and the killer doesn’t care if you cry.Sliced up into little nice steaks.What a nice life give me a break.WHAT A LIFE-

GOING TO THE PUNK SHOW Going to the Punk Show To meet new People And to hang out with our Friends Learning to Expand our Minds Support the Scene and Activism Leave the Society you know behind Individualism and Diversity United with common Ideology Politics Fun and Dancing Peace Love Punk Life Anarchy Equality Punk Life Freedom Unity and Punk Life Punk is Political

IT HAPPENED AGAIN TODAY The Day after the headlines read 25 dead at the Columbine school And after all this talk about gun control and gun crusade All us fortunate ones get to head back to school the very next day And when I get there I see something that seems so out of place I see an officer standing with a gun And I thought we just discussed how we shouldn’t have guns in school Why does he carry it? Will he use it? Demonstrate on himself? On others? or is this cop, simply going to kill everyone? And if he needs it for defense then do I need one too? No, I don’t I thought were suppose to feel safe in our schools. End the Violence. Stop the Hate. Put away our differences. Kids should be playing with each other, not killing one another. Shooters seen as angry outcasts living a life of fantasy and Games Glamorize violence, From Death whats to gain? The Media says movies, rockstars, and Goths are the one’s to Blame. Your Entertained by the same Social Culture you Demonize and Trash. Dead wounded a Cross section of Human Life So this is how you chose to deal with your emotions the N.R.A. say’s “guns don’t kill people, people do”, but if it would of been a fist fight how many Causalities would we of had that Day? No! It all went down again today Boy brought some guns to school and went on a rampage. Murdered children and killed his peers, How can a kid be so dead beyond his years? And no, I’ll never sympathize with him, He became the oppressor subjugating others to his whims. How can a boy become so fucked up? It sounds bad but I don’t really give a fuck. Cuz tomorrow there will be armed cops in all schools, An extra incentive to follow all the rules. Saw a cop throw a kid over by the stairs. The shit is self perpetuating, it’s a fucking nightmare. So we go home to families with six guns in the closet, Right to bear arms “to protect us from the government.” But it’s only us who are dying and no one sees why. Glorification of violence, and we turn a blind eye. Are the piles of dead children worth your survivalist fantasy? Guns aren’t destroying government, just people. Just us. ...and it happened again today. Six year old boy walked into his class Carrying a handgun he later calmly threw away After putting a bullet in a little girl’s chest. Much too fucking early to forever lay her to rest. ...and it’ll happen again tomorrow....

COLUMBUS WAS A FUCK Came to Take/ Subjugate/ Self empower/ To Enslave/ In search of gold/ In search of Souls/ In search of empires/ In search of Control. //Christopher Columbus cut off the hands of the Taino Indians when they didn't gather enough gold. Causing Thousands of Indians to bleed to death. One generation after the "Discovery of American" all Taino Indians had been Exterminated. Boycott Columbus Day, He was a Murder, a Thief, and a Rapist.

$245 BILLION TO FEED THE WORLD (not blow the shit out of it, fuckers)Said it once//No one listened./Said it again//No one cared. /The Earth's children//Will keep on screaming /Til it's citizens//Realize/There's no Justice//There's no Peace/How many wars since the last gulf one?//Weapons are more important than food.

SURVIVAL its fucks like you who take it too far/ i dont care if its a game or a joke to you/ rape is real, rape fucking happens/ rape hurts, rape fucking kills/ this is not the way to bring attention to an issue/ this is not the way to bring attention to yrself/ a how-to guide isnt funny, its sick/ and meanwhile womyn are being raped thanks to you/ you think yr revolutionary?/ misogyny is nothing new/ and now we have to fight to be/ because of exploitative fucks like you/ yr killing our freedom/ now its time we take it back/ you have fucked us over for way too long/ living in fear is no way to live/ try to beat us down, you'll be beaten down.// ------------------------------ A woman should be safe to walk the streets at night./ or go on a date in her search for Mr. or Miss right./ We gotta let them know that together we will fight./and hit them back, hit them back with all our might./ -----------------------------(back ups) Raped Innoncence and Virginity Stolen Years Off of Someones Life Forced Into AdultHood Taught Sex and Confused Love ...And HOW...Could YOU...Destroy...HerLife

this was written after finding a website that explained in detail how toperform a date rape. in small print at the bottom the author explained that it was merely a satire and that he believed this was the best way to make the issue more public. he is wrong. there is nothing funny or amuzing about rape. this is not at all pro-censorship. but its people like this who fuck it up for everyone. people like this who take our freedom away.78% of rape survivors know their attacker. lets talk about it. lets stop living in fear and do our best to educate and fight back. but lets not make a joke about it.

SELLOUT(You Can Have All the Autographs You Want... When I am Rich and Famous)// No one was in our fan club/ No one would listen so we knew we had to change/Our music got slower as we got lamer/ We bought new clothes at the mall/ We changed our lyrics not to disagree/ Now we’re everyones cup of tea/ Can I have your autograph/ I want to be rich and famous when I grow up/ Are you that guy in that band?/ I have all you music I’m your #1 Fan/ -WHAT A BUNCH OF SELLOUT!!!- The heart is gone form your Music/ The soul is gone form your music/ How much did it cost to have you tied/ around the music industries fingers??/ I remember when oyu said "it isn’t for the $"/ I remember you saying "We want Change" You use to be an artist practicing self expression/ Now you call yourself a succesful musician./ More importantly how much did it cost you to be tied around their fingers?Hey Mom look at me I’m so popular,So Trendy/Hey Mom I’ll buy you a new car.Mom look, do you need another Autograph/I’m cool everyone loves me!/ To do something you love and make a living at it is great!But don’t forget the struggle/ and don’[t lose you head in the fame I think if you’re using money to buy yourself an identity...Your insane./There is one thing that can never be changed.That is who you are./ Through the years remain true to yourself Because no amount of money is worth/ LYING TO YOURSELF....... The downfall of Music is Muscians that only care about making money and getting laid...

THE FILTH HAS ERODED INTO MY EYES I cup my hands catching the tears/ That my Bleeding eyes shed/ And I've never seen before so clearly,/ The horrific images that fill my head./ And it hurts so much to look I blindly cry/ Tears esaping the pain in search of a place to hide/ But you can never remove the cowardly mark/ That has trinkled down your face./ Funny that together we inhabit this Earth/ But each other is who we prey/ What kind of concept is war/ I hope that soon we will see/ The innocent dying form our western philosophy/ Why are people starving when food is rotting behind doors?/ We're destroying the land because we can/ Raping, harrassing, insulting the earth and other humans/ diminishing resources extinction of species/ Insanity , living in this worlds reality/Everyday problems we don't choose to see/ Benefitting only ourselves/ Because it's easier to not care or worry. It makes me lachrymously weep/Like most my tears have choosen the easy way out./Until caught and held in my cheery stain palms/The images swimming in the pool of madness shout/ calling you out/ And my scarlet pupils saok into the mirror/ As I stare into the crimson horror/ My reflection looks right back at me/ Shaking it's head discussidly./Because we are such filth/ Nothing is pure enough to wash us clean/ The fault is only our own to blame/As long as we remain power hungry fiends in shame/But the saddest thing that I could ever see/ Is not something that I have witnessed/ But someone else who has and has done nothing.