Welcome to WALLA'S KWIK-E-MART, the no 1. site for pollitically incorrect humor!
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(and other things)


"The Bible does indeed condemn midgetry... I believe it was Jesus or God who said'thou shalt not midget thy self'... All ethnic groups are good at some thing and midgets are good at being hated and Gypsies are good at ly'in n' cheatin n' stealin things...sto' ma hubcaps last week"

My Favorite things about making fun of people.

Here is an exclusive interview (via sattelite) with a group of people from various ethnic groups!
Reporter:ok, lets get this started. Mr.Ieachilin, you are a gypsy, correct?
Ieachilin:But of course, hey I'll give you a goat for your hubcaps.
Reporter:This is not the time for that Mr.Ieachilin.
Ieachillin:ok,ok,(under his breath he mumbles)lousy Asian.
Reporter:Mr.Ieachillin, I'm not Asian.
Pow:I heard dot you dirty gypsy, I'm from China!
Reporter:Mr.Pow please sit dow...
Ieachillin:Wanna make sump-ting outta it, chink.
Pow:What!?What did you say!?
Ieachillin:I said "wanna make sump-ting outta it, chink"!
Pow:How dare you call-a me a chink!!
Reporter:Gentlemen, please!
Kline:Hey! are you just ignoring me because I'm a midget?
Reporter:I'm sorry Mr.Kline, I was just distracted with Mr.Ieachillin and Mr.Pow.
Pow:Be quite you dwarf ass freak!
X:Man! dats raceis!
Reporter:Thank you Mr.X.
X:Shut up, honkey.
Reporter:Mr.X, please,I'm not on any bodys side here.
X:Man! dats raceis!
Reporter:Please stop saying that.
Pow:Yeah, shut-a up you...
Reporter:Gentlemen, please!
Ieachilin:Shut up or I'll eat you chilldren!
Reporter:I will call security if you do not settle down!
X:Settle down!?!? Dis ho thing was yo idea!!
Reporter:I know but..I..um...
Ieachilin:Kill the Honkey!
Pow:Dats a good-a idea!
Kline:Yeah! I'll get his ankles!
Kline:Hey, when we beat up this dude, we put our differences behind us and worked together!
Pow:You know he's-a right, we can put-a our differences behind us and-a fight the white threat!
X:You know, for yellow skind opium fiend, you're ok.
Pow:You too.

-The Legdend of Kwanzaa Klaus-

On the first night of Kwanzaa (or when he's sober enough) Kwanzaa Klaus breaks in to the house of every one who celebrates Kwanzaa and if they're good he gives them an afrikan eye ball but if they're bad he spanks them with a TV remote that's missing the zero key!

JOLLY KWANZAA!!!Kwanzaa Klause is comming to town!!!

Here are some games they SHOULD have made!
Peewee Dark
Super Smash Herman
Urkel Dark
The Ledgend of Paul: 16 Tons to Glory
Comming Soon! The Legend of Paul:Sweet Blood and Bones

Fight the "Station", wait for the "Cube"!

My Favorite Web Sites
Jet Force Gemini!
Cherry blossom blizzard CHI!!!
No Doubt

Episode 2, Episode 2, Episode...
Run's House

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"prease come again"
"Ye, please come again"
"Me Humpback, Me eat you if you no come back!"

Hasta la victoria siempre!

"Vote Libertarian and cannibals..um, I mean canidates like me will distort our great country"