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    Raiders of the Desert

First let me say, Welcome to the Raiders of the Desert Story Line. I have high hopes for this, and what it could become. Let's begin with a brief statement of what this SL is NOT. No modern weaponry or items are allowed, no guns, cars, cyborgs. Think of the time frame as still mostly barbaric, the setting in the deserts of some Middle-Eastern or African. For some reference on RPing desert life and this time period, you can check out the following books:

Shabanu by Suzanne Fisher Staples

The Last Warrior Queen by Mary Mackey

The Arabian Nights tales

Sister Light Sister Dark by Jane Yolen (For Hegemony info)

We will not be following any of these books directly or even remotely, as this is a free RP, but it helps if you know nothing about RPing a desert person or a tribal person.

The OOC character charts