<bgsound src="Audioslave_-_Cochise.mp3 " loop="1">
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Welcome... all walks of life except gimps they scare us, you just go sit in the corner... with your disturbingly tight leather and whips and zips...this website is starring of these main people:
Steven Wilson- Lead guitar, Vocals.
Jordan Jones- Le bass, occasionaly Guitar, Vocals
James "KETCHUP man" Gardiner- Drums, occasionaly vocals.
We rock just about as much as your Grandmother (well not there yet but will be soon)

History of us!

It started off when two little city slickers (james and jordan) had the dream of making a Punk band that rocked the F**king world Mother F**ker... unfortunately at that stage they didn't play their drums or bass (though Jordan did previously play guitar but decided... he sucked so he stopped.) so that was problem number one! Problem 2 was that they didn't have a guitarist even if they did have instruments! And they both lacked singing tallent also which made matters worse! So as you can see... these little boys had some workin to do! James quickly got a set of almighty drums... but young Jordan was yet to produce a bass guitar! He tried and tried until he couldn't try any more so he gave up... then he got a bass guitar! The problem was no more! all that was needed was a guitarist... which would come in the form of kit greir mulvenna who actually never practiced with us but he got us another guitarist... tony murphy cowan! Things were on their way forward... with James on his drums, tony playing guitar and Jordan on bass... and vocals! ha, what a laugh! Well... things happened and the band felt the need for a new guitarist which came in the form of steven wilson as backup guitarist (who would soon gain the responsibility of being our lead guitarist and frontman-like figure!) So... there we were, the 4 of us when one day Jordan and James were with tony and he wanted then to come do naughty things (drugs) and being the good, clean people they were they declined and decided they couldnt let this happen in their band... plus he never was that good at guitar! So we faked a split up... we all went our seperate ways... and soon regrouped with one difference, that being the absence of tony! So... the three survivors of the great split up were there... sitting there... eating food... then they thought, "What if we had another guitarist instead of tony?" and "What if steven was lead and vocals (which was quickly forced upon him by James and Jordan although they do vocals a bit themselves!) and we had a rythm guitarist?" This rythm "guitarist" came in the form of peter mcguinness. They had practices and nothing would happen! Peter eventually quit the band so the boys are searching for a new guitarist and who pops up? mr vincent! thats who! Vincent is hopefully joining us on our quest to make music and destroy the evil forces of scallies and ravers! Oh... AND NOW PETER CHEUK (no not the same peter!) ALSO WANTS TO JOIN US! that will make 5! wooh, can we count or what? Well... thats all for now! We will come back to you when more happens!


James- hello ass monger who is probabley so boring and has very little friends has time to visit this shitty website... so about myself... i am the drummer and occasional vocalist my idol drummer would be taylor hawkins from foo fighters... my favourite bands include: Rage against the machine, Foo fighters, nirvana, and Blink 182. Me and le bass player (jordan) are the creators of the band. i can play clarinet as well also tinwistle, recorder, triangle, xylophone, and tamberine lol.wtf. well thats all for you, you bunch of sweaty ball sacks.
Jordan- Hey you people who were unfortunate enough to stumble across our little piece of crap called a website! Im Jordan and I'm bassist of this band and backup vocals though I may do lead some time... doubt it though. People wouldnt want to hear it! I am pretty tall and longish hair! I have a deepish voice wooh! wooh! I am now going out with the greatest girl ever! Sara! She is the best! Better than old whatserface! My interests are my bass playing, music, comedy movies and my favourite subject at school is probably drama! My idol bassists would be... Flea (from red hot chili peppers), Mike Dirnt (of Green Day. and might I add that he is not just any average bassist! fuck off anyone who says he sucks!) and Nate Mendell (from Foo Fighters). My favourite bands would be Green Day, Blink 182, Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Audioslave, Nirvana, Muse and so on! I suppose im alright at bass for the length of time ive been playing which is a few months short of a year. I also can play lead guitar, drums, the clarainet, recorder and my personal favorite... the triangle! I dream of playing the triangle for the british olympic team some day (soon hopefully!) Well...enough of my random ramblings... I hope to see you later... unless youre a paedophile! in that case... ill be seeing you really soon! ;) nah... im just messing! well... Bye to you all!
Steven- Steven is curently not here to comment but we know he likes Tom Morello and his girlfriend! there! that will do for now!

gigs and other stuff

hey... we are available to play anywhere in the triangle area of northern ireland...maybe outer towns eg ballymoney but no furthur yet. you may get us at Filibuster_is_currently_@hotmail.co.uk when emailing please state your name, what you want us to play or what event for, also some proof that your not a pedo or a perv or anything of that range. we may charge to play but not much depending on what you want us to play. thank you.

Hope you enjoyed your visit... NOW VISIT THE BLOG... and have fun :) blog