
The Following Role Play was writen by D. and is ©2006. The layout was made by Josh M and D. If you'd like to use it, send them an e-mail at PA169@hotmail.com or soonerboudn268@yahoo.com. The Views are neither influential, and neither aimed towards WWE, NWA-TNA, WCW, or ECW. The following may contain scenes of foul language and may not be appropriate for some people. If you have had recent neck or back surgery, or if you are pregnant or nursing, use extreme caution
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W-D-L Record
MnM Get's Edgucated
MnM, Wes Ikeda



The Scene Opens to Edge, again, sitting alone in his lockerroom, sitting on a chair with a dark background. You can't see anything around him, the only light in the frame is on Edge himself



You know, it never seases to amaze me, the drive that some people have just to screw people over. They could be the least motivated person in the world when it comes to running their own affairs, but the second they get a chance to mess with other people's destinies, they pull out all the stops. There are, obviously, plenty of people like this in the world. But, one specific person comes to mind right now: Wes Ikeda. And you know me destiny? The Tag Titles. You see, for those of you who don't know, Christian and I are the greatest Tag Team in the history of wrestling. There has been none better than the Dream Team. So, naturally, upon entering the EBWF, we set our sights on the Tag Title. Now, i know what everybody is thinking. Christian has won plenty of other titles besides the Tag. And yes that's true. Christian is one of the greatest, if now the greatest athlete and supestar in the history of wrestling. Hell, he's a four time World Champion. But, that kind of superstar only makes a tag team greater. Also, i wasn't here in the EBWF when Christian accomplished these feats. But, i am now. And together we are the greatest team of athletes in the world today. And we're the obvious choice for the Tag Titles. And the ikedas may be dumb, very dumb, but they're not blind. It would be the biggest mistake to not have Edge and Christian in the Tag Title hunt. But, again, Wes Ikeda's motivation to screw us over goes into play. As the card creator for this biz, he abliges to Tony's request and puts us in a match for the #1 Contedership. But good ol Wes throws a monkey wrench into the mix. He makes it a tag turmoil, so that we don't have to beat 1 team, but 3 teams. But that was his first mistake. You see, what he saw as an act of genious on his part, we saw as a glorious oportunity. Not just to get a shot at the Tag Titles, but to single handedly eliminate every opponent that would possibly stand in our way for the tag titles. So, No Way Out comes and The Dream Team is phenominal. We go out and beat the holy hell out of all 3 teams, securing us the win, and the #1 contendership for the Tag Team Titles. Now Wes is shaking in his boots. As are his little boy toys the Imagi Punks. They know that their time as tag champs was slowly starting to dwindle. So, again, good ol Wes decides to stick his nose into destiny and attempt to save his boys tag titles, putting Christian and Me into another tag match for the #1 Contendership. The same #1 Contendership we won at No Way Out. The same #1 Contendership guranteed to us by defeating the top 3 tag teams in the EBWF. BUT, does any of that make a difference to Wes Ikeda? Psh, we're talking about the same guy who blindsided his enemy with a crowbar and beat him to a pulp. The same guy who would do anything just to get what he wants. So, really, who was to be suprised when Wes tries to fix his mistake. He racks his brain and crams the entire roster, looking for some possible team to put us up against and try to make us lose our newly aquired #1 Contendership. But little Wes doesn't realize exactly who he's messing with.



Edge jumps up from his chair, his momentum knocking it over. He hunches over and gets close to the camera, looking straight into it.



You hear that Wes! You don't know who the hell your messing with! You think the Horsemen are your biggest threat right now? They are nothing compared to the Dream Team. Nothing compared to ME! You can try and try all you want to throw obsticals into my path. And i will rise above them. I will overcome them! Are those little camera whores MNM really the best you can come up with? They don't even deserve to be in the same ring as me! Monday won't even be challenge for Christian and me. You think you've come up with a road block in my path to the tag titles? This isn't even worthy to be called a speed bump. They're a squirrel in the road and i'm gonna run them over. But then what, Wes? Who's next? Bring them all on! Maybe you'll bring back Brett Hart again to face us. Huh, Wes? Maybe Raven? Bring them all on Wes, because i will beat them all. You don't get it Wes. I myself am better than any team you can throw together to stop me. And adding Christian by myside just makes us that much more unstopable. You little chronies Moore and Hardy aren't safe from us. Those titles that they've been holding for so long aren't safe. And, Wes, you yourself aren't safe. Monday, on Raw, yeah i'll play your little game. I'll go out there and show the world just how great the Dream Team truely is when we beat the hell out of MNM. But it will only be a small fraction of the beating your little boys the Imagi Punks will be getting. So, you better start thinking of some more roadblocks to throw in our paths, because this one just isn't gonna cut it. Call me cocky, clareboyant, or just confident, but i will be comeing for those Tag Team Titles, u just better hope your not in the way when it happens



Edge backs off the camera and walks past it and out of the lockerroom. The scene cuts to a Wrestlemania Promo



The arena of an EBWF House show is buzzing with excitement and anticipation for whats going to happen next. Then, suddenly the lights go out and "You think you know me" blasts throughout the arena and every person in the crowd jumps to their feet with chears. A Dozen Furies's "The Cycle" Blasts over the PA as Edge enters the arena to his music. He jumps around for a while, playing to the audience before making his way to the ring. He gets up on the ring post and does more taunting before settling the audience down. His music stops and he grabs a mic

No Way Out. That's all i have to say. No Way Out. Because at No Way Out, you all saw a clinic. You saw the greatest display of athlesism and talent even put on in an EBWF arena. But, not only did you see this great spectacle, you saw the future. The future of the Tag Team Division. Well, the future of the Tag Team Division unless Wes Ikeda has anything to do with it. Now, i won't insult your intelligence by reiterating Wes's plan, b.c i think i've made it quite obvious these past few days.

You see, Mr. Wes Ikeda thinks that he can keep me and partner from reaching our goal, our destiny if you will. But, what Mr. Ikeda doesn't realize, is that nothing can come in the way of destiny. Not even Wes Ikeda. You see, destiny has a way of happening, no matter what you try to throw in its way. You block it from the left, it goes right. You step in front of it, it goes over you. It's like in that movie, final destination. It's just like that. You try to cheat death, death comes back in bite you in the ass. It was those kids destiny to die, and it's my destiny to claim the Tag Team Championship, no matter how many people Wes Ikeda decides to throw in my way.

And at No Way Out, destiny did just that, as The Dream team defeated not one, but 3 teams in our quest for the gold. Doing what we thought was claiming the #1 Contendership for the Tag Titles. But then Mr Ikeda throws in another road block in the form of MNM.

Yeah, MNM, the same guys who prance around wearing mink coats and leotards. And Wes sees them as "worthy of the tag titles." That's his reason for placing them in the opportunity to win our #1 Contendership. They were busy at No Way Out, doing a photoshoot or something. That right there shows that they are not worthy of the tag team titles. They're priorities are all wrong.

I have this rule i live by, call it a moto or whatever. But it's when oportunity presents itself you take it and run with it. Oportunity presented itself at No Way Out, and i took it and ran. Ran right to where i am now, standing in front of you people as the number one contender for the tag team titles. MNM didnt take this opportunity. They thought a photoshoot was more important than getting a chance to win the tag titles. Are those the kind of people who deserve the tag titles? People who will turn down the company and the fans just to do a photoshoot? I think not. You need to put everything aside to accomplish your goal. These guys arent even worthy to get this opportunity.

But, you know what, the more i think about it, the more i realize the logic in these guys not showing up for the match at no way out. I mean, look at them. There's no way they would even stand a chance in that match, just like they don't in our upcoming match. These guys are nothing but a paparazi joke. They strut around everywhere with a full camera crew following them, trying in every way to make it famous. But, no matter how hard they're trying, they just can't seem to "catch a break" The fact is, they don't derserve to catch a break. they're nothing, and its becoming quite obvious to the world around them. That's all their constant cameras is doing: showing the world just how lame they truely are.

I mean, ok, take Johnny Nitro for example. The only reason he's even in this business is he won a contest on MTV. This guy hasn't paid his dues. He hasn't lives in a station wagon living on bread and water, just so you can have the money to pay for your training. Your just a lucky little punk who was in the right place at the right time. But being lucky won't get you everything, Nitro. Luck won't cut it when you come up against the Rated R Superstar. Neither is being Joey Mercury's LIttle B*tch.

And i mean, if you're gonna be b*tched out by a guy, you'd think you would find one better than Joey Mercury. I know some people might hold him in high ranks, but he's nothing. Not even worth my time. This guy doens't know a toe hold from a full nelson. I know all of y'all saw Christian and My match at No Way Out. We put on a clinic with the other people in the match. you coulda made an instruction video from just that one match. Just by watching it you can get better training than Nitro ever got on tough enough.

And now y'all are gonna come at me like your worthy to be fighting for My Titles. Look, there is nothing that y'all have done or will do to make yourselves worthy to be in the ring with me. I was putting exhibition matches in elementary schools when i was 8 years old. I've lived, breathed, and eaten this buisiness since i was old enough to walk. I was wrestling in hallways when y'all were sucking on your mothers teet. Or fathers, i wouldn't be surprised.

I mean, what is up with this company, man? It seems everymatch i've been in, it's had flamers in it. Well, now that i think about it, i guess theres more in my future, seeing as Shannon Moore's holding the tag title. But, seriously, take a look at MNM. They wear mink coats, makeup, and big sunglasses. Now i'm not gonna flat out call them gay, but that's pretty damn schetchy to me. But, hey it doesn't matter to me. You guys do what you do in the private of your own bedroom, and that's your business. Not mine. But if your hands wonder in our match on Raw, i will not hesitate to break your damn hand.

Look, enough of me ranting on and on, because as much as i talk, the bottom line still stays the same. It's no matter of whether its on Raw, Smackdown, a House Show, or a Pay Per View, there aint nobody in that lockerroom that can match me in the ring. No matter who wes ikeda decides to throw in my path, i'll beat them all. And MNM are just unfortunate to get stuck in it. But, that's not my fault, if you wanna complain to somebody, do it to Wes Ikeda. Because on Raw, i'm gonna put on another clinic on those fools MNM. So, Wes, just sit back and be Edgucated.



Edge's music hits again as he drops the mic and heads back to the lockerroom



Edge is shown walking back to his lockerroom. He walks in the door and is greated by Shane McMahon and John Cena



Shane, what the hell is this guy doing in here. This is the dream team lockerroom. Last i checked, Cena wasn't a part of the Dream Team



Adam, calm down. Look, John and i have been talking, and i think...



Shane, i can talk for myself. I don't need you babying me and speaking for me. Look, man, i realized that us feuding isn't whats best for both of us. Right now, we both have a common enemy, and its not ourselves. Now, i'm not saying i want to join the Dream Team, cuz i don't. But, what i am saying is we need to put our past behind us



I agree, right now theres a bigger picture painted in front of us, and it doesn't involve us fighting. I say, let bygons be bygons



Now, as touching as this is, its not the only reason we're here right now. Here, lets all have a seat



they all move to the desk that's off to the right of the lockerroom



Look, right now the subject at hand is your match on Raw. These guys...



Yeah, isn't it utter BS. Sometimes i cant believe that son of a B*tch wes, he'll to anything just to protect...



Wes is the last person that should be on your mind right now. You may think this is all a big joke, but this match won't be as big of a cake walk as you may think. I heard you out there in the ring. And you hit the nail on the head, your being cocky. These guys are legitimate contenders for the tag titles



Legitimate contenders? Who significant have they beat?



Well your tag team partner for one. They beat him and Jindrack a few weeks ago



i stand corrected. OK, so they're good. Shane, your the recon man, what can you tell me about them?



Well, yeah, they beat Christian before, but this time we've thrown in a variable: You. But, regardless of how good the Dream Team is, these guys are legit and it will take preparation to win.



Aight Shane-O shoot.



Well you know who your up against, MNM. Now, on the outside these guys appear lame, but trust me, on the inside, there's talent. This guy Joey Mercury has had some history. He's beaten some great superstars in the past. And Nitro has had training from the best. You mentioned his Tough Enough show, where he got training from Al Snow. But, he also spent time training in the OVW with some of the best trainers in the biz.



yeah, ill give you that. He's had some great training, but training isn't everything. it's how you use that training. And theres nobody better in the ring than yours truely right here. In the ring i'm unstopable, and there aint nothing thes paris hilton wannabees can do to stand in my way. Nothing man. Me and christian are unstopable



Thats true, man. And another thing you got over the fools is yours and christians chemestry. Man, you've been together since grade school. I've seen yall in the ring and its like yall are the same person. You don't even have to look and you know Chrisitians there. its actually creepy in a way, bro. But either way, your gonna smoke these fools on raw



Your damn straight. I can sense Christians presence in the ring. I know exactly where he is and what hes' doing without even looking. We're connected mentally. These MNM guys aint even been together a fraction of the time me and Jason have. they don't have the talent of chemestry we have. this match is gonna be a shooin no doubt. These guys think they can compete? those camera flashes musta messed with their common sense, cuz can't nbobody compete with us. These guys just strut into here and get a title shot? Man, wes is def grabbing at straws. These guys aint even worthy to carry my boots. We got this, there aint nobody that can stop Christian and I. Especially not MNM. and what kind of name is that? Are they trying to be like you, john and copy emenem? Or are they saying they're sweet like chocolate? I dunno, but one thing is for sure their name is about as creative as their in ring skill. Their moves are so predictable it's scary. I can see exactly whats coming before they even do it. Theres nothing they got that can top what i got. Nothing man. Sunday, the Edgucation will begin!



The guys continue to talk as the audio fades and, eventually, the scene fades to another WM promo

OOC: Good Luck Jen