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You'll probably be able to find most of these songs in the music section of this site... As of now, we only have Stay Away From Me available in .mp3 format, and we recorded that back in '97...

Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Already get judgement upon you,

Before you can plead your case.

In their courts of festering shit,

Money tips the scales of justice.

Get no bail,

Rot in a cell,

It doesn't matter if you're innocent,

If you're poor you're already guilty...

Fuck Benny Hinn Up The Ass With The Sword Of The Lord (Sacrificed To Spazz)

Feel the fire of the savior.

Shake and Convulse like a moron.

Makes no sense like a Spazz song.

Smear fake preachers with goat shit.

Be-head Benny Hinn with the Goat-Core blade...


Million dollar meetings,

Behind closed doors.

You've got them all believing,

Who could ask for more?

Fly them all to Paris,

Get them to change their votes.

The people aren't what matters,

That's just a fucking joke.

Your corporate fucking task-force,

Sent you to make them lie.

It's all about your paycheck,

Not other people's lives.

Another million bucks,

In your fucking pocket.

Denying the rights of us,

As your company sales rocket.

And no one seems to care,

About what's really going on.

Behind closed fucking doors,

Is where we're going wrong...

Religion Is A Disease

Religion is like a cancer,

Infecting the populous.

Keeps the masses in line based on the fear of hell.

Infected body's stripped of their own minds.

Mindless fucking drones...

Hope For The Future

When you're flesh is rotting off,

Cause your ancestors didn't care.

When you have to wear a gas mask

To breathe this world's air.

When children play in old barrels

Once full of toxic waste.

When the country's close to war,

And can't negotiate:

It's too late,

There's no life for tomorrow.

It's too late,

Cause we fucked it up today.

It's too late,

But it's a little hard to swallow.

(It's too late)

So we'll brush it all away.

When the bombs are dropping,

Cause the politicians disagree.

When the average fucking temperature

Is 185 degrees.

When we can't support ourselves

Cause the economic system's crashed.

When every newborn child,

Gets their hopes and dreams smashed,

It's too late...

Stay Away From Me

Figure the lyrics out yourself... We forgot them a

long time ago...

Bombs Away

Blah blah blah blah

Bombs away...


Little annoying yellow fuck.

Braindead Japanime crap.

Fads like this shit happen every year.

All the money you waste will just bring tears.



Pica-Fuck You,


Something To Be Angry About

Sitting in my room,

Turn on the TV.

Candy coated plastic faces

Staring back at me.

They promise the good life

Social equality, good economy.

What the fuck are they

Really telling me?

Buying and selling fear and hatred

Is all I really see...

I Hope John Rocker Gets Raped By A Big Guy With Purple Hair And Then Mugged By A 20 Year-Old Woman With Four Kids While Riding The Atlanta E-Train Because The Cities Are The Same You Ignorant Shithead

Ignorant Shit,

Don't feed your lies.

I don't wanna hear it,

People are different.

Citie's are the same.

Melting pot of people,

Living day to day.

Don't feed me your status-quo.

White Christian shit.

God hates them;

Those who are different.

But he created them, right?

You're so full of shit!!!

I Live My Life Vicariously Through Richard Greico

Everyday, all I do,

Is wake up,

Go to work,

Come home and jerk off.

But in my head

Is where the action takes place.

If looks could kill I'd be in Face2Face.

I live my life of fun,

Through Richard fucking Greico.

His zany antics crack me up,

Each and every time.

I'm too smart to use heroin,

But through Greico I can shoot a dime.

I life my life vicariously through Richard

Fucking Greico!!! Whooh!! 21 Jump Street kicked!!

Vehement Contradiction of Moral Values

Could I trouble you for a warm glass of milk?

You can trouble me for a warm glass of...


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