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Sand•y (san´dë), n., adj.,  1. tiny, loose grains of worn-down or crushed rock, often found along an ocean shore  2. to sprinkle or fill with sand, as a harbor  3. one of the funniest people in the world

Hey everybody that gives a damn!

This site is going to host all of my pictures, and whatever else I plan to put on here as well.  I thought this was a good idea because everybody is always asking for pictures, this gives them a chance to get the ones they want without me having to do too much.  Please feel free to ask for certain ones but the time that it may arrive on the site is not certain because I am very lazy.

Bran•di (bran´dë), n.,  1. a spirit distilled from wine or from the fermented juice of grapes, apples, etc  2. one on the funniest people in the world.
Kiss my ass, kiss his ass, kiss your ass, Happy Hanukkah.





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